Doors of Masjid, Coronavirus, when beauty of Islam shines.

Coronavirus: When Beauty of Islam Shines…

Coronavirus illustrates Islam beauties. Qur'an is real healing in life. Islam has a complete view in the spiritual,

Real Healing

“What I would like to say about Islam is that it helped me to learn a lot about myself, my psychology, and my actions. It metaphorically helped me filter out bad habits I was unaware that I even had or did. The filtering of the heart never stops Alhamdulillah. The Quran is a guide on how to avoid calamities in life among many other things. In my personal opinion, I feel all children and teens should be taught what is prescribed for us, Muslims and Non-Muslims, to teach them to be respectful adults and avoid economic and social stressors,” a new convert to Islam said.

O my brothers and sisters in humanity, I fear for you. I want happiness and survival for you. In Coronavirus era and in every era, all in darkness except those who resort to their Creator, the Protector. His way is the only way to survive both in this life and in the Hereafter. Let’s join those who have security and guidance. The Only One God (Allah the Almighty) says in the Qur’an:

They who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice (polytheism) – those will have security, and they are [rightly] guided.” [Qur’an 6: 82] (1)

Also, Allah the Almighty says:

And is one who was dead and We gave him life and made for him light by which to walk among the people like one who is in darkness, never to emerge therefrom? Thus it has been made pleasing to the disbelievers that which they were doing.” [Qur’an 6: 122] (2)

Thus, let’s explore some parts of Islam’s beauty:

Healthy Lifestyle:

Personal Hygiene in Islam

Hygiene is the slogan of Muslims. Many worships in Islam mainly depend on hygiene, as follows:

  • Muslims have to clean their private parts after using the bathroom preferably using water, as this act of cleanliness is a condition for the acceptance of many worships.
  • Wudu’ (ablution) is the gate of Muslims for many worships. To illustrate, It is obligatory before opening prayers. While it is preferable before making supplication or reading the Qur’an or even for no specific reason. Wudu’ is a worship in itself.
  • Ghusl (total ablution) is obligatory for Muslims after having sex, or after the end of menses for women. Moreover, it is preferable before any gathering for Muslims, like Friday congregational prayer or others.
  • After waking up, a Muslim should wash his hands. Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) says:

When anyone amongst you wakes up from sleep, he must not put his hand in the utensil till he has washed it three times, for he does not know where his hand was during the night. [Muslim] (3)

  • The Prophet (ﷺ) said,

There are five acts which conform to the pure nature: Circumcision, removing of the pubic hair, clipping the nails, plucking the underarm hair and trimming the moustache.” [Riyad us-Salihin] (4)

Cleanliness in Islam

Islam urges its followers to act as follows:

  • They should clean the courtyards, not only the houses.
  • The Prophet (ﷺ) never refused a gift of perfume. [Al- Bukhari] (5)
  • The Prophet (PBUH) says:

He who has eaten onion or garlic or leek should not approach our mosque, because the angels are also offended by the strong smells) that offend the children of Adam.” [Muslim] (6)

The best (treatment) which you take is cupping, or it is the best of your treatments.” [Muslim] (7)

Habits in Islam that Increase Immunity

Many Islamic habits in a Muslim’s daily life increase immunity, like:

  • Sleeping:

Indeed, Islam urges us to sleep and wake up early. Recently, science proved the importance of this routine on hormones, immunity, and general mental and psychological health.

  • Food & Beverage:


The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) says: ‘A human being fills no worse vessel than his stomach. It is sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight. But if he must (fill it), then one third of food, one third for drink and one third for air.’  [Sunan Ibn Majah] (8)


Moreover, Islam recommends Muslims to eat dates after waking up in the morning before anything else. Islam tells them to use honey, olive oil and black cumin as means of healing.

Furthermore, Islam values the mind. Thus, wine and narcotics are forbidden in Islam. Islam orders its followers to eat good food only; herbivores, different types of fishes, or plants for example. Adding to that, there is no room for eating carnivores, pork, or any animal; dead or not slaughtered according to the Islamic way which guarantees the best for the eater and the animal.

Also, Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) says:

The Messenger of Allah forbade (eating) animals that had been taken as targets, the milk of Al-Jallalah (animals that eat dung), and drinking directly from water skins.” [Sunan an-Nasa’i] (9)

Similarly, Islam orders us to fast Ramadan; one month every year as an obligatory pillar to purify the soul and body. Then, it encourages additional fasting throughout many days during the rest of the year. Islamic fasting is to stop eating, drinking and having sex from dawn till sunset.

Coronavirus & Psychological Aspect in Islam

God sent to mankind many Messengers with revelation to guide them to their happiness in this life and in the Hereafter. The last Messenger is Muhammad (PBUH) and the last revelation is the Qur’an. To illustrate, Qur’an is a miracle at all levels. It guides man to understand life, soul, himself and his purpose of life. Also, it helps him to find an answer for the big questions of existence emerging before everyone. Thus, it helps man to correct his view of life, to conform to common sense and to lead a happy and safe life as a result.

One of the main topics in the Qur’an is to tell us about our Creator. Here are some examples for His attributes:

  • Allah (the only One God) is the Ultimate Trustee (al Wakeel) whom you put your trust in to facilitate and protect your life and affairs.
  • He is the Protector (al Hafeeth) who protects the believers, the system of life and the deeds of people so that they will be all accounted.
  • Also, He is the Wise (al Hakeem) who puts everything in its right position, and who makes everything or event for a purpose, even if His creatures are not able to see that purpose due to their limitation.
  • Allah is the continuous sustainer (ar Razzaq) who continuously provides His slaves with their needs.
  • Furthermore, Allah is the Powerful (al Qader) who has the ability to control and the dominance over everything. He is the Gentle, the Guardian and a lot more.

Living with these meanings supports man to reach inner peace, happiness and tranquility. Life is not man-made; it is under the control of a Creator with these attributes!

Adding to that, Messenger Muhammad (PBUH) says:

There is no infection* and no evil omen, and I like a good omen. Good omen means a good word. [Abu Dawud]

* The majority of scholars interpret this to mean that these things in and of themselves do not transmit or cause harm through supernatural or hidden means but that Allah is ultimately in control and any fearful superstition around this is false. (10)

Thus, the one who lets coronavirus emerge is the one able to let it go away easily. It is a test for humanity. Belief in Allah increases immunity and vice versa.

Coronavirus & Spiritual Aspect in Islam

Personally, Qur’an and supplications help me a lot in my life.  I feel their effect of protection and tranquility in my life. If I forget to recite them one day I know that my strong weapon is off so I become uncomfortable from the events of life. Indeed, I can’t imagine how a soul can live away from its Creator. Maybe they can achieve materialistic goals, but for true happiness, I am sure it’s impossible!

Islam fuels the soul with many effective techniques helping humans to continue in this life happily, and pledges the reward in the Hereafter:


  • Qur’an is on the top of that. Allah creates the soul and knows the cure of man struggles in this life. Moreover, there are many chapters in the Qur’an that Muslims should deal with daily many times due to their extra value.


To begin with, a Muslim has to read the Opening chapter at least 17 in prayers every day. This chapter implies the essential meanings of life; remembrance of Allah and His grants and thanking Him, reminding us of Allah’s main attributes that support the soul, and reminding us of the Hereafter. Then it reminds us of the destination.

It is You we worship and You we ask for help.” [Qur’an 1:5] (11)

Finally, it reminds us of the reward of every group reacting to these facts, whether in a correct way or not.


Furthermore, there are many chapters to reflect on, day and night, seeking protection with Allah from all evils, like Mankind chapter (an-Nas) and Daybreak chapter (al-Falaq).

To wrap up, the Qur’an helps people to know the real volume of every concept affecting their life and the accurate way to deal with each one. The biggest milestone of each person should be the Hereafter. This materialistic life is nothing but illusion; it shall fade away quickly.



Adding to that, there are many supplications a Muslim says day and night as a sort of remembrance for His Creator and asking for protection at the same time. Here is one example:

The Messenger of Allah () said, “He who recites three times every morning and evening: ‘Bismillahil-ladhi la yadurru ma’as-mihi shai’un fil-ardi wa la fis-sama’i, wa Huwas-Sami’ul-‘Alim (In the Name of Allah with Whose Name there is protection against every kind of harm in the earth or in the heaven, and He is the All-Hearing and All- Knowing),’ nothing will harm him.” [Abu Dawud and At- Tirmidhi] (12)

In general, a Muslim has a group of supplications for almost every detail in his life. He can’t forget the Creator as he knows his weakness as a human. Also, he knows the great reward of these supplications.

Coronavirus & Direct Connection

During Corona time, I read in an article that a pope asks people to confess their sins directly to God if the popes are not available! However, commonsense says that it is hard to find a person to contact all the time and to tell everything, even without any pandemic.

Indeed, one of the valuable cores of Islam is that you can directly connect with the Creator at any time without an intermediary. You can easily confess your sins to Him, ask His guidance in life, or even ask Him to save you or grant you something you need. Man’s relationship with the Creator in Islam is simple and unique at the same time. You can make supplication through praying or outside praying.

Destiny & Death

Allah says:

… But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not.” [Qur’an 2: 216] (13)

Everything in this life has a reason because Allah is Wise. As humans, sometimes it is hard for us to know the reasons. If you reflect on your life, you can find something you dislike had happened to you, but then it turned to be better than what you had planned for yourself.

Certainly, death is inevitable. It is the beginning of a new life that we draw its details now. It will be scaring for those who are not prepared. No one denies the difficulty for any living man to accept it. However, death implies hope for those who face injustice in this life as it will be the time to take their right. Death implies hope, as it gives the chance for the good souls to meet their beloved once again in the real world.

Above all, illness and trials have a special reward in the Hereafter. Those who died out of specific illnesses take a reward same to that of the martyr; forgiveness for all their sins, except for debts.

Indeed, everything is under the control of the Creator, and this results in tranquility. Messenger Muhammad says:

… And remember that if all the people gather to benefit you, they will not be able to benefit you except that which Allah had foreordained (for you); and if all of them gather to do harm to you, they will not be able to afflict you with anything other than that which Allah had pre-destined against you… [At- Tirmidhi] (14)


Coronavirus & Social Aspect in Islam

The Muslim community is one unit. In other words, solidarity starts from the family and reaches the whole world. To clarify, Islam enhances the social spirit by asking people to help each other, regardless of any personal or materialistic interest.

Messenger of Allah () said:

If anyone relieves a Muslim believer from one of the hardships of this worldly life, Allah will relieve him of one of the hardships of the Day of Resurrection. If anyone makes it easy for the one who is indebted to him (while finding it difficult to repay), Allah will make it easy for him in this worldly life and in the Hereafter, and if anyone conceals the faults of a Muslim, Allah will conceal his faults in this world and in the Hereafter. Allah helps His slave as long as he helps his brother. [Muslim] (15)


As a result, we can see in this pandemic many examples for Muslims trying to provide help for others, asking them nothing in return. To illustrate, Omar Ishraq, Medtronic CEO, shares ventilation design spaces to accelerate efforts to increase production in response to Covid-19. He knows that monopoly is prohibited in Islam, and in pandemics, this value is a top priority. Also, Hopkins scientists, directed by Dr. Heba Mostafa, develop on-site coronavirus screening tests that help in the pandemic.


Moreover, Islam provides mercy, which is absent in the world. Certainly, saving one soul is like saving the whole world. Furthermore, parents, senior citizens, kinship ties, neighbors have special ranks in Islam. To illustrate, Severe punishment is for those who carelessly deal with them. That’s why we see Muslims provide food and life necessities in such conditions as those that happened in Italy for example.


Coronavirus: A Different View

  • God says:

Corruption has appeared throughout the land and sea by [reason of] what the hands of people have earned so He may let them taste part of [the consequence of] what they have done that perhaps they will return [to righteousness].” [Qur’an 30:41] (16)

Moreover, Coronavirus should lead us to reflect on our deeds, the pollution we made, the evil and injustice we sometimes accept, etc.

  • God says:

(6) No! [But] indeed, man transgresses
(7) Because he sees himself self-sufficient.”   [Qur’an 96:6-7] (17)

In short, his pandemic is a chance for everyone to realize the reality of humanity. Certainly, we are weak. However, we are arrogant, and we think that we can manage and control our lives, but a tiny virus proves something else.

  • We have a lot of gifts and grants from Allah that we got accustomed to. Isn’t it time to reflect and thank?!
  • The virus doesn’t choose the poor. To clarify, all are equal; one universe and One Creator. Isn’t it time to remove social distinctions?!


To conclude, the above mentioned is only the tip of the iceberg of Islam’s principles. Islam covers the whole life; it’s not just rituals. Thus, be a Muslim as it is the only way to find the ultimate truth, true happiness, here and in the Hereafter. It’s simple. You can read this simple guide to know how to be a Muslim. Also, you can have one to one conversation with our team if you seek further assistance or more questions.


(1) Meaning Interpretation of Qur’an [6: 82].
(2) Meaning Interpretation of Qur’an [6:122].
(3) Prophet’s Saying (Hadith no. 109) in Sahih Muslim.
(4) Prophet’s Saying (Hadith no. 213) in Riyad-us-Saliheen.
(5) Prophet’s Saying (Hadith no. 277) in Riyad-us-Saliheen.
(6) Prophet’s Saying (Hadith no. 193) in Riyad-us-Saliheen.
(7) Prophet’s Saying (Hadith no. 77) in Riyad-us-Saliheen.
(8) Prophet’s Saying (Hadith no. 3349) in Sunan Ibn Majah.
(9) Prophet’s Saying (Hadith no. 88) Sunan al-Nasa’i.
(10) Prophet’s Saying (Hadith no.13) in Sunan Abi Dawud.
(11) Meaning Interpretation of Qur’an [1:5].
(12) Prophet’s Saying (Hadith no. 50) in Riyad-us-Saliheen.
(13) Meaning Interpretation of Qur’an [2: 216].
(14) Prophet’s Saying (Hadith no. 62) in Riyad-us-Saliheen.
(15) Prophet’s Saying (Hadith) in Sahih Muslim.
(16) Meaning Interpretation of Qur’an [30: 41].
(17) Meaning Interpretation of Qur’an [96: 6].



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About Jehad Adel

Jehad Adel is a translator, content writer and a student of Islamic sciences. Jehad has been searching and reading in Islamic fields such as Quran interpretation and Islamic theology. Jehad has been learning and professionally practicing linguistics, content writing, and translation related fields, such as CAT tools and machine translation post editing (MTPE). Jehad is interested in content marketing and Islamic translation in specific. Also, she studied at faculty of languages and simultaneous translation, al-Azhar University.

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