Muhammad PBUH

Muhammad PBUH

People get the wrong idea about Muhammed; the Messenger of Allah. Let's prove his identity and the real

Muhammad- no doubt-the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) (1)

       Due to the misleading mass media and press, especially in Europe- people get the wrong idea about Muhammed; the Messenger of Allah (PBUH). They think that he was an imposter; that he was not a prophet and he wrote the Qur’an. This is completely untrue.

         It is wise to realize that Muhammad is the Seal of the Messengers and Prophets of Allah, and that the Glorious Qur’an was revealed to him from Allah by the Holy Spirit; Gabriel (PBU Them)………… Why?

        This fact is best proved and illustrated through the following:

  1. The Prophet’s character (his life story from his birth to the revelation)
  2. The Prophet’s character ( from the revelation till his death)
  3. The Book itself (The Glorious Qur’an)

Now with the details.

  1. The Prophet’s Character: (His Life Story from His Birth to the Revelation)

     Let’s discuss the character of Messenger Mohammad (PBUH). He was born in Mecca. He, like his community, did not know how to read or write (he was illiterate). The Prophet (PBUH) was not educated in any field that may account for the scientific and historical accuracy or the literary beauty of this magnificent Book. The Glorious Quran’s precision of historical recounts of previous peoples, Prophets and civilizations mentioned in the Glorious Quran is also too great to be authored by any man.

     The people of Mecca were traders who traveled to Yemen and Al-Sham (that is Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine now). When he was a boy, he raised sheep. When he grew up, he went with his uncle to trade. He was known among the people of Mecca for his good manners, so they called him “the trustworthy”. He never bowed to idols or share the other young men the pleasures of life like drinking wine, playing gambling, or having illegitimate sex.

Wisdom of the Prophet (PBUH)

He was also known for his wisdom which was shown when he advised the people of Mecca what to do when they pulled down Al-Ka’ba to rebuild it. They argued and were about to fight because each tribe wanted to gain the honor of putting the Glorious Black Stone in its place in Al-Ka’aba. Mohammad (PBUH) advised them what to do. He put the Stone in a garment so that each tribe would hold one end of the garment. He himself held the stone and put it in its place.


2. The Prophet’s Character ( from the Revelation Till His Death)

At the age of 40, The Glorious Spirit (the Archangel); Gabriel came to him in the cave (Hira’a) and ordered him to read but he answered that he couldn’t.

Allah says in the Glorious Quran:

Recite in the name of your Lord who created, created man from a clinging substance. Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous, Who taught by the pen, taught man that which he knew not.” [Qur’an, 96: 1-5] (2)

 Now try to think of this situation. Mohammad (PBUH) was not a genius before. He did not know how to read or write, or even sit to a teacher or a priest. How could he become all of a sudden, at the age of 40, able to write a book of such greatness? Do you believe it? Do you know what the Glorious Qur’an contains?

Variety of Topics in Qur’an

It contains a great bulk of knowledge and news of the past. It also contains scientific facts and theories in various fields such as embryology, meteorology, astronomy, geology, oceanography and others that have later been known to man in the 20th and 21st centuries. Many verses in the Glorious Qur’an describe the evolution of the embryo inside the uterus so accurately as we find now in modern science. So it’s humanly impossible that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) was the author of the Glorious Qur’an. It is illogical as well. Read the verse in the Glorious Qur’an:

       Say, “If Allah had willed, I would not have recited it to you, nor would He have made it known to you, for I had remained among you a lifetime before it. Then will you not reason?” [Qur’an, 10: 16] (3)


  • The Messenger of Allah Is Friendly Reproached in The Glorious Qur’an:

                 If the Glorious Prophet (PBUH) had written the Glorious Qur’an, would he have blamed himself more than once? Indeed, there is blames for the Prophet in many situations.  Allah friendly reproached him when he set free the prisoners of war of Mecca after the Battle of Badr for ransom. Allah also blamed his Messenger for hailing the atheists; the noblemen of Mecca, hoping that they would adopt Islam. The Glorious Qur’an says:

He frowned and turned away, because there came to him the blind man, [interrupting].” [Qur’an, 80: 1-2] (4)


  • Muhammad Is Not the Author of the Qur’an:

If the Glorious Qur’an had been the authorship of Mohammad (PBUH), he would have praised his wife Khadija (May Allah be pleased with her) instead of praising Mary the virgin and the wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh.


  • The Moon’s Eclipse:

 It happened that the moon eclipsed. People said that it was because the prophet’s son died, but the prophet refused that.

He illustrated that the eclipse of the sun and the moon are natural phenomena. Someone else would have accepted that explanation.


  • Inability of Prophet Muhammad to Answer Some Questions 

  • Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Could Not Answer Some Questions by the Jews and the Atheists More Than Once, and he said: I don’t know.

For example, they asked him about the Day of Judgment and the Soul. He just said: Allah only knows.

Allah, the Almighty said in the Glorious Qur’an:

And they ask you, [O Muḥammad], about the soul. Say, “The soul is of the affair [i.e., concern] of my Lord. And you [i.e., mankind] have not been given of knowledge except a little.” [Qur’an, 17: 85] (5)


  • The Seas and Rivers

            Although the prophet (PBUH) had not travelled by sea, the Glorious Qur’an mentioned the seas, the rivers, the fresh and salty waters and the ships. Here is an example from the Glorious Qur’an:

He released the two seas, meeting [one another]; between them is a barrier so neither of them transgresses.” [Qur’an, 55: 19-20] (6)


  • Man Is Doomed to Make Mistakes:

When people write, they are bound to make mistakes such as spelling and grammar, contradictory statements, incorrect facts, the omission of information, and other various errors.

Allah says in the Glorious Qur’an:

Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction.” [Qur’an, 4: 82] (7)

3. The Book Itself (The Glorious Qur’an):

The Glorious Quran is considered to be the everlasting miracle of Islam. Allah the Almighty preserved it in the hearts of the believers (men, women, and children) and in the books. The Glorious Qur’an we read today is the same that our Prophet (PBUH) and his companions used to read more than 1400 years ago. Nothing was added or omitted or modified, even a letter.

Allah, the Almighty Said:

Indeed, it is We who sent down the message [i.e., the Qur’an], and indeed, We will be its guardian.” [Qur’an, 15: 9] (8)


Do you know why it’s preserved? It’s because the Glorious Qur’an represents the law that organizes our life in all fields. It contains the teachings of Islam, the broad lines of Islamic laws which are explained in details in our Prophet’s Glorious Sunnah (the Hadith). So it represents the main source of the teachings of Islam.

 The Contents of the Glorious Qur’an Go round Three Main Topics:

The first: is the idea of monotheism and the existence of Allah.

The second: is about rituals; that are prayers, fasting, Zakat, Hajj and others ( such as how a Moslem should deal with others; that is he should have good manners).

The third: is about stories of past events, nations and Prophets.


The Style of the Glorious Qur’an:

The style of the Glorious Qur’an is unique. It is written in prose, yet verses have rhyme and rhythm. The style is incredibly eloquent. It has beauty, splendor, wisdom, prophecies and other perfect attributes. In one verse, you can find two news, two commands, two prohibitions and two glad tidings.  

Allah challenged the people of Mecca who were well-known for being great poets and eloquent orators to write something like Suras, or even one Sura (one chapter).

(NB: The shortest chapter contains only 3 verses, that is Al-Kawthar, Chapter 108). This challenge is still unanswered to this very day.

Allah, the Almighty, says:

And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down [i.e., the Qur’an] upon Our Servant [i.e., Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ)], then produce a sūrah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses [i.e., supporters] other than Allah, if you should be truthful.” [Qur’an, 2: 23] (9)

Therefore, it is thoroughly incredible and unbelievable that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) could have written the Glorious Qur’an with the cultural background I have already mentioned.


     To conclude, after reviewing the facts that prove the identity of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the real Author of the Qur’an, we can reach only one interpretation:

And if it was not for the favor of Allah upon you, [O Muḥammad], and His mercy, a group of them would have determined to mislead you. But they do not mislead except themselves, and they will not harm you at all. And Allah has revealed to you the Book and wisdom and has taught you that which you did not know. And ever has the favor of Allah upon you been great.” [Qur’an, 4: 113] (10)

  Now, it’s high time to believe that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.


(1) (PBUH) These letters stand for: Peace and Blessing of Allah be upon him. Muslims always say them whenever the name of the Prophet is mentioned.


(2) Verses (96: 1-5) of Qur’an (English Interpretation of Meaning)

(3) Verse (10: 16) of Qur’an (English Interpretation of Meaning) 

(4) Verses (80: 1-2) of Qur’an (English Interpretation of Meaning)

(5) Verse (17: 85) of Qur’an (English Interpretation of Meaning) 

(6) Verses (55: 19-20) of Qur’an (English Interpretation of Meaning)

(7) Verse (4: 82) of Qur’an (English Interpretation of Meaning)

(8) Verse (15: 9) of Qur’an (English Interpretation of Meaning)

(9) Verse (2: 23) of Qur’an (English Interpretation of Meaning)

(10) Verse (4: 113) of Qur’an (English Interpretation of Meaning) 

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