Cleansing and purifying one's self in Islam have a high importance to the degree that all Islamic texts and references books for "Shariah" (Islamic Rulings) always talk about it at the very first chapter.

The Pardoner, one of God's beautiful names, means the one who erases the sins and its consequences if one repents. Allah, the only one God, neither He has to make any sacrifice to erase our sins. nor He loads us by any sins of the others. How this affects us as humans... Let's see!

Who is behind this universe? How did this universe come into existence? Who brought us here and why? What is the purpose of our existence here? What will happen after our time and life here come to end?

Who gives women more rights: Jewish, Christian or Muslim teachings? This is food for your thought. Many claim that Islam “oppresses women” when it comes to the rules of inheritance. Before you allow yourself to blindly follow those who have no knowledge, please read this; be honest, truthful and objective—and then judge for yourself. In […]

     Do you have a kid? Are you full of concerns about how to raise him? The world is full of corruption and you are afraid of that? Here are some guidelines that Islam presents through Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him). 1- Choice of Name: Choose a name with a good meaning for […]

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