In the first part of this article, we stopped at the question: Did Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him (PBUH)) tell the people to take him as a deity? Now, let’s try together to discover the answer. “I am the way”, then Jesus is God? Muslims believe that Jesus (PBUH) never said to his followers that […]

Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) Leaders are the essence of success of any nation. They are the men who always bear the responsibility of each citizen in their nation. Nowadays, we really need men who understand the right meaning of leadership, realize that change comes first from within themselves, and know how to […]

Due to the lack of knowledge about Islam, most non-Muslims tend to build some wrong ideas that contain many misconceptions about Islam. I will try to spotlight some of these myths hoping to clarify the doubts raised about these ideas. Misconception no.1: Islam is a religion of violence and barbarism! When you just utter the […]

Having issues/problems in life? Don’t worry, we all do! What do you do to solve them? Some consult family or friends, some are looking for professional help and some might even choose to just run away. This topic is brought up every now and then and probably you once read about or even attended a […]

The pursuit of happiness is the lifelong endeavor for all humanity.  Read on if you want to know how to be happy in both this life and in the life after!   Happiness and Heaven are two correlated words; when you think of one you think of the other; one is in this life, while […]

A widespread concept perceived by the western society is being promoted nowadays against Islam in regard of women’s rights. Such culture claims that Islam oppresses women and that they are being underestimated in comparison with men. Having this vain idea precedent in mind does not allow people to know the truth except for whoever actually […]

According to each belief, there are infidels, which are the other beliefs adheres of course, this is general in all beliefs. On the other hand, each belief guarantees for you that you’ll not be considered as an infidel, and that you will not go to hell as long as you stay in this belief, well, […]

I was shocked when I knew that some think that the prophet Muhammad is a liar. Dear reader, I’ll consider you as the judge and me as a lawyer talking to your instinct that rejects injustice. I wish you to be neutral, just, check my evidence and put prejudgment and assumption on a far side. […]

I remember that scene in The Butterfly Effect movie, when the little girl used to run away to the field escaping her pedophile dad, and she kept praying, but nothing happened? We all had similar moments when we’re in urgent need of answering our prayers, and you keep asking yourself: am I doing it wrong?! […]

The birth of Jesus was more than the account of one more human being born into this world, but its significance was felt around the world and continues to affect the lives of people everywhere till the end of time. The birth of Jesus was God’s sign to people and a mercy to mankind. Interestingly, Jesus […]

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