We usually hear this advice: look for people who see the best in you, right?! Ever had that relation with someone who never expected any good from your side no matter what you do?! Well, I did. It’s more than frustrating. It might look simple, but when you live it on a daily basis, it’s […]

And mention, [O Muhammad], in the Book [the story of] Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place toward the east. (16) And she took, in seclusion from them, a screen. Then We sent to her Our Angel, and he represented himself to her as a well-proportioned man. (17) She said, “Indeed, I […]

I remember someday I used to wonder what would somebody ever do to deserve to be punished? I had this Heavenly pure attitude thing, I believed that we should forgive each others ALL the time because nothing in the world deserves the revenge attitude. One of my favorite Muslim scholars said: You can have revenge, it’s […]

“I’ll be there in five minutes” … “I’ll finish it tomorrow” …”I won’t do this again” .. “I’ll meet you later”. There are examples of many promises we say daily, but we don’t keep. A promise is a commitment by someone to do or not to do something. Keeping promises is an important principle in […]

In Islam, God and His prophet Muhammad recommended Muslims to preserve their life as much as possible. Even if such preservation in some cases involves the commission of a sin. The purpose of the Islamic sharia is for human to achieve happiness in this world and the hereafter. The Islamic Sharia was mainly made to […]

Allah (The Creator of heavens and earth), as well as His Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him-, confirmed that “Jesus” (PBUH) is human, servant and messenger of Allah, that he was physically raised alive in some form to heaven both his body and soul, and he will physically be brought back from heaven to earth […]

            In the field of medicine, It’s known that the Kids can pronounce about 20  separate words by 18 months and they are start to combine two words to make simple sentences, such as “baby crying” at the age of 2 years.¹ But what if I told you that a third- years […]

      The world expects from each and every Muslim to be perfect, just because they have decided to accept Islam with its rulings. The most common misconception that crosses any one’s mind is that, if Islam is so beautiful and peaceful, then why are Muslims that bad?! Truth is, Muslims are humans, just […]

       No one can deny how important cleanliness is whether it’s personal, dietary, environmental or even spiritual (concerning beliefs, thoughts and feelings), but “Muslim cleanliness” is truly squeaky-clean as it incorporates both physical and spiritual aspects with very strict and clear commandments and recommendations.   When does a Muslim become impure? The Messenger […]

       Once upon a time there was a Moroccan student who was very naughty.  He caused many loses to his school, and has many troubles with his fellows.  The director warned him if he continued doing this, he would expel him from the school for a month. He didn’t stop, and finally the […]

Shortly after burial of the deceased, financial obligations must be fulfilled. Starting with funeral expenses, payment of debts, then execution of his/ her bequest, and finally comes the time for distributing inheritance according to Islamic Sharia amongst heirs.  This was given in a clear and precise detailed way and in the most just and merciful […]