Shortly after burial of the deceased, financial obligations must be fulfilled. Starting with funeral expenses, payment of debts, then execution of his/ her bequest, and finally comes the time for distributing inheritance according to Islamic Sharia amongst heirs.  This was given in a clear and precise detailed way and in the most just and merciful […]

What is marriage?    People of all times view marriage as an honorable bond between man and woman but in Islam it is viewed as the most sacred bond of all.  Qur’an describes marriage as a (Strong Covenant): ‘’But if you want to replace one wife with another and you have given one of them a […]

     Rights and duties are the main concern of humans everywhere at all times.  One is always eager to gain more rights and to have less duties and responsibilities. Islam from day one acknowledged this fact and elaborated on every detail of each right and obligation of each member of the Muslim society Muslim […]

Jihad in the media has become a controversial issue. Explanation of Jihad is conflicting, and much debate centers upon interpretation of its true meaning and forms. Although the word “Jihad” is elaborated more than 1400 years ago, till now it is still a foggy term.    “Jihad” is an Arabic word which means the act […]

According to the  Western  ideology, the concept of childhood was not addressed until the 16th century. It is not that the west did not have children or young people but rather they didn’t have the principles of how to safeguard their right.    Before revolutions in Europe, children were forced to work in harsh conditions […]

“To bring daughters up means to be granted Paradise“ A simple short message is given for fathers to vanish the darkness of the era before Islam when Arabs used to bury their daughters alive. The man who was sent to perfect good character [1] enjoined fathers to take good care of their daughters. The guaranteed […]

Mohammed A. Siddiqi, a professor at Western Illinois University, said: The coverage of Islam in major US newspapers contains most upsetting mistakes occur with the indiscriminate use of “fundamentalist” for any dedicated Muslim and the failure to distinguish between cultural practices that are national or regional in origin and not observed by Muslims in other […]

Who is the person under a Hijab? (or a niqab or burka- some of the traditional Muslim women’s clothes). Who is really the woman underneath that piece of clothing? Often times their attire may prevent others from seeing beyond who these women may really be. Many of these women are scientists, engineers, doctors, Olympians, warm […]

This is a Russian proverb that was illustrated by one of our recent veiled up Russian visitor in Ahlan library in the citadel in Egypt. We were standing that day in Ahlan library just like any day till the moment our friend with her humble tied up scarf on her head decided to make it […]

What comes to your mind when you picture beauty? Chances are, you probably think of what is considered beautiful in the United States ..A tall, thin woman with perfect features, a beautiful smile, and excellent fashion sense… But actually there might be women from other parts of the world shaking their heads and thinking that […]