Can you describe your feeling when you hear some good words? Happy, full of joy, motivated, right? What about your feeling when you hear some bad words? Sad, full of depression, despaired, right? To what extent words work like magic! So please everyone take care of all your words, it may break someone’s heart or […]

One day, I was in Salah Al-din citadel standing in the Islamic library to give foreigners free books about Islam. Someone came and said, “I want to ask you a question but please answer me frankly. “ I said, “Yes, sure I will do.”  He said “Why are you standing here calling for your religion? […]

Due to the lack of knowledge about Islam, most non-Muslims tend to build some wrong ideas that contain many misconceptions about Islam. I will try to spotlight some of these myths hoping to clarify the doubts raised about these ideas. Misconception no.1: Islam is a religion of violence and barbarism! When you just utter the […]