The question of ' can one be Muslim and gay' gained a lot of popularity while reflecting a very deep lack of knowledge about Islam. Learn more under the basic concepts of Islam!
Have they convinced you that the Muslim woman is oppressed by being veiled, not being able to work, and getting half of what the man gets in inheritance? Then maybe you need to read the following lines to know the truth and set aside what the media is falsely trying to describe for you. In […]
The Treaty of Al-Hudaibia: Prophet Muhammad and the people who believed in his message were forced to leave Makkah (their homeland). This was done by the rich people of the tribe of Quraish in order to prevent the spread of the message of Islam by the hands of Muhammad peace be upon him and his […]
Prophet Muhammad is a personality of debate throughout the history. Some see him as a great leader and a noble warrior though they don’t believe in his message; while others see him as a violent person seeking kingdom with no regard to the blood. The best way to judge that is to take a look […]
The Arabic word “Shari’ah” literally means “a path, a way or a fresh water hole that all livings can drink from”. In Islamic-terminology, it refers to the legal system of Islam that regulates the relationship between man and his God (Allah in Arabic language), himself, his fellow man, all creations and the world around him. […]
Muslims celebrate Eid in a unique way. Muslims have only two holidays to celebrate "Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha. Check how to celebrate them!
The Islamic way of slaughtering animals is unique from many aspects, and that’s what we will discuss today.
Learn all about Jews in the Quran and how Quran teach Muslims about the Jewish behaviors. Verses are Classified According in topic clusters.
Here is a Quranic story of a Jew; verses revealed to save a Jew and show his innocence.
Why can Muslim men marry four women? Why can’t Muslim women marry four men? Interesting question aren’t it? Well, to answer this we’ll cover several steps:
“Those are the limits set by Allah”. This is mentioned in four verses of the Qur'an teaching us where we should be, & where we should not be or go beyond.
Walking around in Muslims’ streets, you can see and smell blood everywhere in their first, second, third and fourth days of Eid (Feast). But what is the purpose behind this? What’s the aim of shedding this amount of blood? Is it just for the pleasure of torturing animals, or is there any other reason behind […]