For more than fourteen centuries scholars from Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been discussing whether or not the prophet Muhammad -Peace & Mercy be Upon Him- could have indeed been a true prophet from Almighty God.     Was he the long awaited ‘Messiah’ the Jews have been waiting for so many centuries?     Was he […]

who is the real and true God. We will clarify the attributes of a true God and mention the most popular worshipped Gods in the world. The article will review the attributes of these Gods objectively as believed by their original followers. It will also answer the most commonly asked critical questions regarding this topic.

If you ask any Muslim today “Do you love Jesus?”, the answers will be very revealing as all the answers will be about how Muslims honor Jesus deeply and see in him God’s Miracles, from the moment of Jesus’ birth till God raised him to heavens and until his coming back to earth before the Day […]

Corrupted, yet believe in it! How come?! The matter is so simple. We can summarize the whole story in 3 points: Muslims believe in the “original” Gospel, and the “original” Torah as well. At the same time, Muslims also believe that the Bible, including the old testament that includes the Torah and the new testament […]