Hajj parte dos sentimentos internos do muçulmano e atinge seu comportamento externo. Tawhid se manifesta na condição primária do hajj, seu destino, rituais e atos relacionados de adoração e súplicas.

Por que esses milhões de pessoas se reúnem anualmente em Mecca, na Arábia Saudita, nessa época do ano? Como é feita a peregrinação no Islam? E por que é tão importante para os muçulmanos?

 Aqui estão 20 versículos do Alcorão que derreterão seu coração e acalmarão sua alma! Reflita sobre esses versículos e viva com as palavras de Allah. Os versos estão em Árabe e Português com a referência para continuar lendo.

Ar-Rahman [The Entirely Merciful] Imagine that one day you met a person you know. He gave you an autobiography of a manager of a famous company to read. Once you began to read his traits and description, you got astonished! How wonderful that manager is! So you asked this person to accompany you to this […]

Aljawwad (The Most Generous) is one of  the names of The Creator mentioned in The Holy Quran and  the authentic prophetic sayings of prophet Muhammad. It means literally the one who gives a lot and among muslim scholars, it means to give  someone what he needs without waiting for any repayment or reward. Prophet Muhammad […]

As long as our lives are going on in our favor, we have no worries, but the minute life starts to pinch us, we start to question God. But why me? What have I done to deserve this hardship? I am not that bad anyway. We go on thinking of others and say to ourselves: […]

Have they convinced you that the Muslim woman is oppressed by being veiled, not being able to work, and getting half of what the man gets in inheritance? Then maybe you need to read the following lines to know the truth and set aside what the media is falsely trying to describe for you. In […]

The Meaning of Life in the West: Dale Carnegie, a writer and lecturer, who wrote the best 9 books among them is: “How to stop worrying and start living”, in which he settled down rules to get rid of worries and tools to communicate with people effectively, has killed himself after he suffered from depression! […]

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