Here are 20 verses of Qur'an that will melt your heart and calm your soul! Reflect on these verses and live with the words of Allah.

“Waves Like Mountains” An Australian Photographer captured a breathtaking photos for the Waves that appeared like Mountains naming them “Mountains of the Sea” !! Believe it or not that was mentioned 1400 years ago in Quran: “And it sailed with them through waves like mountains” Quran 11:42 Worth thinking!! How could someone who didn’t even […]

How can we understand fate? Whether you are a Muslim or not, maybe this is one of the most crucial questions that come to our minds. Philosophically speaking, this is called the question of good and evil. It is simply: Why has God created evil, poverty, misery, wars, and diseases?! Why are children killed during […]

Really, Allah (The Creator of Heavens and Earth) is the most merciful. Beginning with the universe subjected for us and passing by events of life and even the orders He gives and prohibitions He imposes. For the first moment you may feel it’s a sort of obligation or restriction, but with few thinking or mediation […]

Islam isn’t only a belief in the true and the only God, but also deeds according this belief. It is the practical religion, the way for life. Islam fulfills all aspects of personal life. And I will share some views of the Islamic society with you here. Where Many verses in the Qur’an mentions the […]