Mother rights in Islam are given unparalleled importance, elevating their status in both this life and the Hereafter. This article delves into the rights and significance of mothers in Islam, reflecting on the immense respect and duties prescribed by the Almighty Creator.

Parents in Islam hold a position of paramount importance, as the Quran places the duty of filial piety immediately after the worship of Allah. This profound placement underscores the essential role that parents play in the moral and spiritual development of individuals, by pairing the worship of Allah to kindness to parents.

What is this cause in brief? Why do Muslims care? Why is there a strong protestant support for Jews? Is there any relation between Zionist domination on world media, and the implications of the cause? What is the situation of Palestinians vs. Jews? Are there prophecies made by Prophet Muhammad to reflect anything? The Cause […]

One day, I was in Salah Al-din citadel standing in the Islamic library to give foreigners free books about Islam. Someone came and said, “I want to ask you a question but please answer me frankly. “ I said, “Yes, sure I will do.”  He said “Why are you standing here calling for your religion? […]

In Islam, God and His prophet Muhammad recommended Muslims to preserve their life as much as possible. Even if such preservation in some cases involves the commission of a sin. The purpose of the Islamic sharia is for human to achieve happiness in this world and the hereafter. The Islamic Sharia was mainly made to […]

Shortly after burial of the deceased, financial obligations must be fulfilled. Starting with funeral expenses, payment of debts, then execution of his/ her bequest, and finally comes the time for distributing inheritance according to Islamic Sharia amongst heirs.  This was given in a clear and precise detailed way and in the most just and merciful […]

Islam is a way of life not only a religion. There is no aspect of life that is left out, there is always a perfect Islamic way to handle it.  Death is of no exception as it is the gateway to  “Afterlife”, the real one where we started and where we will end up. To […]

     Rights and duties are the main concern of humans everywhere at all times.  One is always eager to gain more rights and to have less duties and responsibilities. Islam from day one acknowledged this fact and elaborated on every detail of each right and obligation of each member of the Muslim society Muslim […]