Você acha que Deus tem que fazer um sacrifício? É difícil para Deus, o Misericordioso, perdoar os nossos pecados sem nenhum sacrifício?
Voici 20 versets ou « Ayats » du Coran qui feront fondre votre cœur et calmeront votre âme ! Réfléchissez à ces versets et vivez avec les paroles d’Allah.
Вот 20 стихов и аятов Корана, которые растопят ваше сердце и успокоят вашу душу! Поразмышляйте над этими стихами и живите со словами Аллаха.
Aqui estão 20 versículos do Alcorão que derreterão seu coração e acalmarão sua alma! Reflita sobre esses versículos e viva com as palavras de Allah. Os versos estão em Árabe e Português com a referência para continuar lendo.
Nothing is more beautifully satisfying to the soul than praying to God. As in all belief systems, praying is pivotal. However, Islamic praying is unique. It is composed of two components, a physical and a spiritual form of worship. What is prayer in Islam? Daily prayer is referred to as “Salah” in the Arabic language. […]
It is the one thing that all hearts of human being love regardless their different colors, religions, or races. It is every soul’s dream and every mind’s demand. Although most of us love justice and search for it, it is unfortunately not applied in our real life. In this article, we will stop for while […]
La veuve est une femme qui est destinée à perdre son mari qui la soutient et répond à ses besoins. Elle est une femme qui souffre très fort.
In this article, we will highlight the rights of the widows in Islam and how Islam keeps the widow's rights.
Learn all about the original sin and the death of Jesus from the Islamic point of view and the Christianity point of view in details.
Allah calls Himself Al-Fattaah— The Opener, The Revealer. He is the One who opens all doors of blessing for His slaves.
Talvez não haja tanto a dizer sobre um ser tão prejudicado seus obstáculos são muitos. Ainda assim, porém, o Islam enfatiza os seus direitos.