God said in Quran, “Therefore be patient (O Mohammed) as the Messenger of strong will and be in no haste about them (disbelievers).” [46:35]. Do you know that prophet Moses is one of the messengers of strong will? Do you know that the story of his birth is very inspiring? Do you know that He […]
While surfing the World Wide Web, I was remarkably surprised to find reputable dictionary sites such as Cambridge, Merriam-Webster, and Dictionary.com defining the word Halal as “animal or their meat slaughtered or prepared in the manner prescribed by Islamic law (i.e. halal meat or halal butcher)”. What is the actual meaning of the word “Halal”? The word […]
One day I was walking down the street and suddenly found this gorgeous girl all covered up in what they call hijab, I call it Oppression myself. I thought to myself, it’s very sunny and hot why would she do that to herself unless she was forced?! I mean this is a total nonsense. I […]
Have you ever felt that you have been thinking for too long to decide upon what is the path! Have you ever wondered if you were on the right track, wondered are you going to hell or heaven? I remember there was a series named LOST and I guess I liked it back then, anyway […]
“I’ll be there in five minutes” … “I’ll finish it tomorrow” …”I won’t do this again” .. “I’ll meet you later”. There are examples of many promises we say daily, but we don’t keep. A promise is a commitment by someone to do or not to do something. Keeping promises is an important principle in […]
To veil or to wear Hijab literally means to cover or to screen. The term “Hijab” can also be used to refer to the seclusion of women from men in the public sphere. Although it encompasses more than just a dress code, the term Hijab has become interchangeable with the word scarf. Why Hijab? Some […]
In Islam, God and His prophet Muhammad recommended Muslims to preserve their life as much as possible. Even if such preservation in some cases involves the commission of a sin. The purpose of the Islamic sharia is for human to achieve happiness in this world and the hereafter. The Islamic Sharia was mainly made to […]
Allah (The Creator of heavens and earth), as well as His Prophet Muhammad -peace be upon him-, confirmed that “Jesus” (PBUH) is human, servant and messenger of Allah, that he was physically raised alive in some form to heaven both his body and soul, and he will physically be brought back from heaven to earth […]
In the field of medicine, It’s known that the Kids can pronounce about 20 separate words by 18 months and they are start to combine two words to make simple sentences, such as “baby crying” at the age of 2 years.¹ But what if I told you that a third- years […]
Sunnah refers to the manner of acting. Learn more about the sunnah and hadith in Islam and how to differentiate between each one of them.
The world expects from each and every Muslim to be perfect, just because they have decided to accept Islam with its rulings. The most common misconception that crosses any one’s mind is that, if Islam is so beautiful and peaceful, then why are Muslims that bad?! Truth is, Muslims are humans, just […]