Science is a way to life, but what did muslims add to that way?Muslim scholars added and positioned the foundations of modern science to a large extent. To know how is that, let’s go for short trip by the time machine to visit some of the Muslim scientists who made the greatest contributions to our […]

Most of our problems and complaints are relationship related. The truth is, like most areas of life, relationships require attention and skills.Islam presents you with some needed skills to be in the innermost of others’ hearts.Facial expressions : Facial expressions are very important during dealing with others, especially when you’re first meeting someone. Your facial […]

Throughout history,Religion has been abused and misunderstood.      Some people exploited it as a pretext for persecution. Others use it for domination over the masses.In the name of religion unjustifiable wars have been launched, Freedom has been suppressed and Science has been persecuted.Could this be the purpose of religion?Is that the right approach to religion?The […]

In today’s society, many sons and daughters are influenced by secular cultures, which focus on children’s freedom. This freedom blindly encourages children to distance themselves from their parents and mistreat them, those parents who spent their lives building their children’s characters.The children may mistreat their parents in the form of:Raising voices at them, holding grudges […]

For more than fourteen centuries scholars from Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been discussing whether or not the prophet Muhammad -Peace & Mercy be Upon Him- could have indeed been a true prophet from Almighty God.     Was he the long awaited ‘Messiah’ the Jews have been waiting for so many centuries?     Was he […]

У него есть почти полтора миллиарда последователей, которые любят его и готовы выкупить его собой, хотя они его и не видели.

What does it mean “Subhan Allah”? When I was in the preparatory stage, I was impressed with the computer and I can’t imagine how it processes this huge amount of information. But when I became in the 1st year in the faculty of medicine and studied the physiology of the human body especially how the […]