O Alcorão contém várias evidências que provam que o Alcorão é o livro verdadeiro. Uma dessas evidências é que o Alcorão inclui muitos fatos científicos, embora tenha sido revelado há quatorze séculos a um mensageiro analfabeto. Recentemente, cientistas comprovam esses fatos através de equipamentos tecnológicos.

Nowadays,the world suffers from terrorist acts everywhere. Muslims all over the world are accused of being terrorists , because Islam calls for “Jihad”. But actually the  world’s concept about Islamic Jihad is totally wrong. Before making any judgement, you have first to ask yourself : What is the meaning of Jihad?  What are the kinds […]

To understand the essence of Islam is to understand the true essence of humanity. More than a religion, Islam is a complete and comprehensive way of life leading to a balanced way of living. Islam brings civilization and happiness to man. Islamic principles and teachings can provide realistic, fair and objective solutions to the prevention […]

“Исраил” (Израиль) - это посланник Бога Иаков, сын Исаака. Бог назвал их этим именем. Он имеет в виду: "О дети Иакова, будьте благочестивы и послушны, как ваш отец.”

Сказать “Ас саляму алейкум уа рахматуЛлахи уа баракатуху” - это значит гарантировать то, что вы не причините вреда, так как вы предполагаете безопасность и мир.