O Ramadan é considerado um dos meses mais sagrados do ano para os muçulmanos. É o nono mês do calendário do ano lunar islâmico. No Ramadan, os muçulmanos comemoram a revelação do Alcorão e jejuam de comida e bebida durante as horas de sol como forma de se aproximar de Deus e cultivar o autocontrole e a gratidão..
Ramadán es considerado uno de los meses más sagrados del año para los musulmanes. Es el noveno mes del calendario lunar islámico.
What are the events after Ramadan, what happens to the Muslim after it, and what does he gain after Ramadan.
Ramadan is considered one of the holiest months of the year for Muslims. It is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar year calendar. In Ramadan, Muslims commemorate the revelation of the Qur’an and fast from food and drink during the sunlit hours as a means of drawing closer to God and cultivating self-control and gratitude.
Tahajjud is the term used in Islam for a sort of recommended / voluntary night prayers offered by a Muslim to please God 'Allah'.
Islam offers great opportunities for believers. One of those great opportunities is Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Glory).
Dating in Islam comes with a unique concept. You would find a 40 year old woman, but neither is she married nor did she ever date anyone. You would also find a 45 year old Muslim man, but he never had any sexual relations before. Oh wow, imagine the strength it takes to become like that! It’s a very strong will, hah!
Will Allah forgive Me?! As humans, we are ordered not to commit sins, but sometimes we slip and fall. What to do To seek Allah's Forgiveness.
Five pillars of Islam provide a perfect plan for closeness to Creator. They are based on remembrance of Allah and connection with Him.
2 billions are fasting from sunup to sundown every day for an entire month of Ramadan. Here is how to share?
Which religion came first in the world? To reply to that question, we will first discuss different religions and beliefs such as Paganism, Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism. Then, we will briefly clarify the concept of Islam and its core. We aim at doing a brief comparative study between Islam and other religions to objectively decide which religion came first in the world and which was the first monotheistic religion.
Keep reading for appropriate Ramadan greetings for the Muslim celebrants in your life. There are many Ramadan wishes you can Greet your friends, neighbors, family, …etc.