In 2010, Doctor Michael Mosley made a documentary, which aired on BBC, named “Eat, Fast and Live Longer”. He wanted to make a few changes to his life in order to live longer, lose weight and stay young. Therefore, he went through exploring and searching new ways of diets. He started trying different kinds of […]

We will discuss STRATEGIES to accomplish a reasonable weight loss during Ramadan based on the recommendations of Sunnah and medicine.

The negative effects of wine and gambling on the individual, his family and society are illustrated in Islam as the social, financial, economic and religious dangers.

#I_can’t_breathe. This is how most of us feel by now after months of isolation out of Coronavirus; being cooped up in quarantine at home. This quarantine; isolation; is taking its toll on all of us.  We all suffer from massive trauma due to helplessness, grief, loneliness, anxiety, fear and even depression.  After going through all […]

Depression is actually haunting everyone of us for different reasons. But nowadays the main reason for depression is quarantine. The Quarantine Is Giving Me Depression, What Should I Do?