Does Islam Believe in the Afterlife? - Life After Death in Islam

Does Islam Believe in the Afterlife? – Life After Death in Islam

Islam emphasizes belief in life after death, resurrection, and the afterlife. The article explains the events surrounding death

Does Islam believe in life after death? The answer is that believing in death, the afterlife, resurrection, the hereafter, and entering Heaven or Hell is a fundamental aspect of Islamic beliefs. Indeed, it is a pivotal pillar of the six pillars of faith in Islam.

Islam discusses what happens before death, during death, and after death, the Angel of Death appears to the moribund people to take their souls. The sinners’ souls are snatched in a painful way while the good souls are treated gently.

Life and its derivatives were mentioned in the Holy Quran 145 times; death and its derivatives were mentioned 145 times as well. In this article, we will present a comprehensive exploration of the fact of death and what comes next. Go no further.

Does Islam Believe in the Afterlife?

Islam believes in five distinct stages of the afterlife. They are as follows:

1. Death

Islam believes that the soul (Ruh) leaves the body. Everyone on earth will die. Not only will humans die, but also animals, jinn, and even angels. Allah is who only will never die.

2. Intermediary Period “Al-Barzakh”

It is the period between death and resurrection day. The intermediary period is an unseen world. It is a mystical invisible realm. It signifies the initial threshold of the afterlife.

3. Resurrection Day “Qiyamah”

It is the Day of Judgment, when all creatures leave their graves and come back alive.

4. Al-Hisab “Prosecution”

It is the Day when all creatures stand before Allah to be judged about their beliefs, reactions and deeds.

5. Paradise or Hellfire

The final destination where a human stabilizes forever, bliss forever or pain forever.

Islamic Beliefs about Death

Islamic beliefs about death are rooted in clear Quranic verses that elucidate death’s essence and reveal its reality, nature and philosophy, as explored below.

1. As Allah Created Life, He Created Death

“He who created death and life—to test you—as to which of you is better in conduct. He is the Almighty, the Forgiving.”

al-Mulk Verse, 2.

The Holy Quran repeatedly mentioned death, emphasizing its inevitability and each individual’s responsibility for their deeds. The Quran states that Allah created life and death to test humans so that He can reward those who are righteous and punish those who are vicious.

2. All Will Die, Allah Remains

“Every soul will have a taste of death, and you will receive your recompense on the Day of Resurrection. Whoever is swayed from the Fire, and admitted to Paradise, has won.”

Ali-Imran, 185.

Every creature created by Allah will die, even the Angel of Death will die. Only Allah, the Glorified and Exalted, will remain eternal.

Allah emphasized this divine truth in Surah ar-Rahman, when He said; “Everyone upon it is perishing. But will remain the Presence of your Lord, Full of Majesty and Splendor.”

ar-Rahman 26/27

3. Death is Unavoidable

“Wherever you may be, death will catch up with you, even if you were in fortified towers.”

an-Nisa 78.

No one is immune to death’s call because death is inevitable. Regardless of human scientific innovation or medical advancements, mortality will remain a universal certainty and an inescapable reality. Death will call all, even if someone escapes to the moon or another planet, death’s inevitability will pursue them.

Islam Beliefs After Death

Islamic beliefs after death are stated in clear Quranic verses and Prophetic Hadiths that illustrate what happens after death and reveal its reality, nature and period time, as explored below.

1. Grave is the First Stop of the Hereafter

It was narrated that Hani’ the freed slave of ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan, said: “When ‘Uthman bin ‘Affan stood beside a grave, he would weep until his beard became wet. It was said to him: ‘You remember Paradise and Hell, and you do not weep, but you weep for this?’ He said: ‘The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “The grave is the first stage of the Hereafter. Whoever is delivered from it, what comes after it is easier. If he is not delivered from it, then what comes after it is harder.’” He said that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “I have never seen any horrible scene but the grave is more horrible.” Sunan Ibn Majah 4267. You can see more AHadiths here on

The grave marks the first abode of the afterlife; then it is followed by an intermediate life (Barzakh) until Resurrection Day.

After the funeral. Two angels come to the grave to question the dead to test their faith. Righteous believers answer truthfully and live in peace and comfort, while sinners and unbelievers fail to answer, therefore they suffer in pain as a result of punishment.

2. Barzakh is The Second Station to The Hereafter

“Until, when death comes to one of them, he says, “My Lord, send me back. That I may do right in what I have neglected.” By no means! It is just a word that he utters. And behind them is a barrier, until the Day they are resurrected.”


Barzakh is the period of time between death and the end of the world. The word “Barzakh” linguistically means “barrier”, something which separates between two things. So Barzakh separates the worldly life from the hereafter life. It is a bridge between life and afterlife where the deceased are in an intermediate world, until the Day of Judgment when it will be revealed whether they go to Heaven or Hell.

3. The State of the Deceased in Barzakh

The Quranic verses and Prophetic Hadiths indicate that life in Barzakh is either peaceful or painful. People will face bliss or torment depending on one’s beliefs or disbelief. Paradise is for believers and torment for non-believers, as explored below.

The life after death and before the hereafter in Islam:

In Islam, the Barzakh is a transitional life between death and the Hereafter. Believers experience peace and bliss, as evidenced by Quranic verses like Al-Waqi’ah (88-89) and Prophetic Hadith, while unbelievers face torment and misery, as highlighted in Surah Nuh (25):

1. The Believer Enjoys Bliss and Peace in Barzakh

Many Quranic verses and Prophetic reports showed that the faithful person will be at peace in their Barzakh life until the Day of Resurrection. Faith yields solace in their graves’ darkness. Among the evidence supporting this concept are the following:

A. Surat Al-Waqi’ah, Verses, 88, 89.

“But if he is one of those brought nearby. Then happiness, flowers, and Garden of Delights.”

al-Waqi’ah verses, 88, 89.

The Arabic language linguists stated that the letter (ف) that precedes the word [روح / flowers] indicates speed and direct actions. Therefore, the action described in the above verse will be right after death.

B. Prophetic Hadith

“When a believer is buried, his grave expands, and he sits comfortably, then he experiences bliss.”

Narrated by Al-Bukhari/The Book of Al-Janazah.

2. The Infidel / Unbeliever Suffers Agony and Misery.

Many Quranic verses and Prophetic reports show that the infidel or the sinner will suffer in agony and misery in the Barzakh life until the Day of Resurrection.

Among the evidence supporting this concept is the following verse:

“Because of their wrongs, they were drowned, and were hurled into a Fire. They did not find apart from God any helpers.”

Surah Nuh, 25.

The unbelievers didn’t obey the prophet Nuh. Their greatest sins were lying, disbelief, disobedience and obstinacy.

After Allah had drowned them, He brought them directly into a fire to make them taste torment. The evidence is the Arabic suffix (ف) which is in the word [drowned / أغرقوا] which refers to the direct consequence of the next action.

Islam Beliefs About Hereafter “After Barzakh”.

The Islamic beliefs about the Hereafter divine truths (Life after Barzakh) is divided into six principal stages, we will review them as follows:

1. Knocking The Trumpet:

“And the Trumpet will be sounded, whereupon everyone in the heavens and the earth will be stunned, except whomever God wills.”

az-Zumar, 68.

Knocking into the Trumpet is the first stage after the life of Barzakh. Life on Earth will end up. All Human beings will get out of death and come back to life.

2. Gathering

“On the Day when We set the mountains in motion; and you see the earth emerging; and We gather them together, and leave none of them behind.”

al-Kahf 47.

Allah the most High, will gather all people from Adam until the last person lived on earth. No one will be left behind. They all will be gathered at a place called the land of gather. All will be silent; no one could even whisper.

3. Standing Before Allah

“And each one of them will come to Him on the Day of Resurrection alone.”

Maryam, 95.

Each human being would stand alone before Allah the most Exalted to face judgment for beliefs and deeds they had done in their worldly life. Those who believed in Allah and did righteous deeds, Allah the Most Merciful will give them rewards. Those who disbelieved in Allah and did vicious deeds, will be punished.

4. The Prophet Mohammed Pond:

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) will stand there giving water from the pond to the thirsty believers of his nation.

5. The Bridge on the Hellfire

All human beings will have to cross a very sharp tiny bridge built on the Hellfire. Some of them will manage to cross safely; others will fall into Hellfire.

6. Paradise or Hellfire

“As for those who are miserable, they will be in the Fire. They will have therein sighing and wailing.”


“And as for those who are happy, they will be in Paradise, remaining therein for as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord wills—a reward without end.”


Mankind’s final destination is either blissful Paradise or fiery Hell.


Islam emphasizes the importance of the afterlife and continence from worldly desires, considering the hereafter is the true life, while the earthly existence is transient.

The Islamic philosophy views worldly life as a wing of a mosquito in Allah’s eyes. Therefore, Islam cares about life after death and wants us to focus less on earthly matters. For Muslims, the next life is what’s real as this worldly life doesn’t last.

If you have any inquiries about any of the Islamic precepts, do not hesitate to contact Explore Islam for more information. We will always be at your service to guide you along your way to Allah.

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