Eid Mubarak Wishes

Eid Mubarak Wishes 2024 

This article sheds light on the ruling of eid wishes and provides you with many forms that Muslims

This article sheds light on the ruling of eid wishes and provides you with many forms that Muslims use to wish each other a happy Eid and Eid Mubarak Wishes. Also, it illustrates the social spirit of eid and how it shows the beauty of Islam.

Eid al-Fitr (breaking fast day) is one of the two Islamic Eids (festivals) that Muslims celebrate and show happiness during them as an act of worship.

 It’s important to note that wishes–one of them is that of eid–have many rules in Islam that the non-Muslim should be familiar with when he deals with Muslims.

How to Wish Someone a Happy Eid?

As a non-Muslim or a Muslim, you can wish your Muslim neighbor or colleague a happy eid in any form that doesn’t contradict their beliefs. There are many wishes that the Muslims get accustomed to use like, eid sa’eed (have a happy eid) or eid mubarak (have a blessed eid).

How Should the Muslim Reply to the Non-Muslim Eid Wishes? 

The Muslim can wish the non Muslim well and pray for him in an appropriate manner that is equivalent to his greeting, so long as he is not openly hostile towards the Muslims. 

The general rule for this is the Quranic verse (interpretation of meaning): 

“And when you are greeted, respond with a better greeting or at least similarly.”

[Quran 4: 86]

Thus, the Muslim may say to the non Mulsim wishing him a happy eid, “May Allah help you” or “May Allah honour you” and the like, and if the intention is to pray that Allah bless him and guide him to Islam, then that is more appropriate and better. (If a Christian congratulates a Muslim on special occasions, how should he respond? 2017)

Moreover, the Muslim should be merciful so that he seizes any suitable opportunity to call people to Islam, the only truth, to save them from the eternal hellfire in the Hereafter.

Forms of Eid Mubarak Wishes

The Muslim can wish the other Muslims a happy eid, whether it’s eid al fitr or eid al adha, in different ways. Here are some examples of them:

  • Taqabbal Allaahu minna wa minkum (May Allaah accept (this worship) from us and from you).
  •  Ahalahu Allaah ‘alaykum (May you live to see another Eid).
  • Eid sa’eed (Have a happy eid).
  • Eid mubarak (Have a blessed eid).
  • Kul ‘aam wa antum bikhayr (Every year may you be well).

It’s worth mentioning that, when shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen was asked: What is the ruling on offering Eid greetings and is there a particular wording to be used? 

He replied: It is permissible to offer greetings and congratulations on Eid, and there is no specific greeting. Rather the greetings that people customarily use are permissible so long as no sin is involved. 

(Ruling on offering congratulations on the occasion of Eid, and shaking hands and embracing after the prayer 2010)

Family Eid Mubarak Wishes – Social Aspect of Eid

Moreover, Muslim families  wishes each other a happy eid as a social act of worship. Islam encourages the ties of kinship and considers it one of the valuable worships leading to Paradise. Eid comes to help the family members to forget their disagreements and show mercy and happiness again.

Families gather in this ceremony and share many activities, like eating some sweets, having competitions, playing games. 

Again, the actions that don’t go with Islam which comes from some Muslims, whether individuals or societies, in these ceremonies is not a criterion for what is valid. Rather, the criterion is the authentic evidence of the Quran and the valid Prophetic sayings.

Also, it’s familiar in some Muslim societies in eid to give money to the young members of their families, and sometimes the kids and young youth they know in general. This money given is called eidyyah as its name is derived from the word eid.

Read this article to know more about eid celebrations in Islam: How To Celebrate Eid in 2023 – Full Guide

How Eid Wishes illustrate Islam Beauty?

Eid wishes spot light on the beauty of Islam in many ways:

  • Eid wishes show how Islam is a religion tackling all the aspects of life.
  • They give a hint on the broad aspect of the meaning of worship in Islam. Worship tackles any action that Allah, the only True One God, loves and satisfies with. 

So, if a Muslim wishes another Muslim a happy eid intending to strengthen the ties with him, to make him happy, or any other valid intention, then this is called a worship.

  • Islam is the religion of true happiness. Even to show happiness in the days of eid is an act of worship.
  • Islam cares about the social relations and kiship ties. Eid wishes is one of the ways to achieve this goal.

Wishes in Islam: What is Allowed and What is Not?

Wishes in Islam have many cases to be considered:

  • Wishes are allowed in the two Islamic eids, i.e., eid al fitr (breaking fast day) and eid al adha (sacrifice day), and any other permissible occasion, such as promotion, achievement of some success, marriage, giving birth, etc.
  • However, it is not allowed for the Muslim to congratulate the non-Muslims on their religious festivals as this implies acceptance of their wrong beliefs.
  • Still, it is allowed to congratulate the non-Muslims on their non-religious occasions, such as a promotion, success, marriage, giving birth, etc. 

Eid wishes: Are they Allowed in Islam?

Of course, yes! It’s permissible for the Muslims to wish each other a happy eid, whether it is eid al fitr or eid al adha. These are the only two eids legislated in Islam. Thus, it is not permissible to celebrate or congratulate others on any man made eids as this implies acceptance of their wrong beliefs. Also, repeated celebrations need a legislation to be accepted.

I know that some Muslims, unfortunately, celebrate man made eids or festivals, such as Christmas, Halloween, Valentine or the so called international or national days. Still, this doesn’t change its illegitimacy. The Islamic rulings are considered and judged by the authentic Islamic texts, not by the Muslims’ actions.

Read this article for more about eid in Islam: What is Eid in Islam? – 2023 Full Guide


To conclude, Islam offers the balanced pattern that gurantees happiness of this life and hereafter if it is applied well. Why don’t you take a look over the coming Muslim gathering for eid prayer in your country to see some eid wishes live?

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About Jehad Adel

Jehad Adel is a translator, content writer and a student of Islamic sciences. Jehad has been searching and reading in Islamic fields such as Quran interpretation and Islamic theology. Jehad has been learning and professionally practicing linguistics, content writing, and translation related fields, such as CAT tools and machine translation post editing (MTPE). Jehad is interested in content marketing and Islamic translation in specific. Also, she studied at faculty of languages and simultaneous translation, al-Azhar University.

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