Understanding what Muslims believe about Muhammad is crucial to understanding Islam itself. Do Muslims worship Muhammad?
The answer is definitely NOT, Muslims do NOT worship Muhammad. To see why, let’s look first at what the Quran says about Muhammad.
From there, along with other verses from the Quran and the Prophet’s authentic sayings (hadiths), we will get a clear, complete authentic picture for you of what Islam believes about Muhammad and how Muslims believe in Muhammad.
What Does the Quran Say About Muhammad?
Quran says prophet Muhammad was a man, a messenger, the seal of the prophets, and someone worthy of the highest respect. Quran tells us that prophet Muhammad is the one through whom Allah’s final message to humanity was revealed, and it teaches us that by following his example, we can find our way to Allah’s love and mercy.
Quran Mentions “Muhammad” by Name Four Times
The name “Muhammad” itself appears only four times in the Quran.
You might think this is not a lot, but Quran addresses the Prophet directly many, many times using titles like “O Prophet” or “O Messenger” as we’ll see.
1. The Quran Says That Muhammad Received Revelation from Allah
The First verse in Quran mentions “Muhammad” by name is in Surah Muhammad (47:2). The Quran here mentions the name “Muhammad” while discussing the revelation of truth from Allah, stating that believers who do good deeds and believe in what was revealed to Muhammad are having their sins forgiven by Allah:
2. Quran Says That Muhammad is a Human Messenger of Allah
The second verse in Quran mentions “Muhammad” by name is in Surah Aal-Imran (3:144), Allah states:
Here the Quran reminds us of the Prophet’s humanity but also emphasizes his important role as a messenger, like those who came before.
The third verse in Quran mentions “Muhammad” by name is in Surah Al-Fath (48:29), Allah commends both the Prophet and his companions:
Here, when Allah mentions “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,” He also praises those who follow him, saying they are firm against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves.
3. Quran Says That Muhammad is the Last Prophet
The fourth verse in Quran mentions “Muhammad” by name is in Surah Al-Ahzab (33:40), Allah clarifies the finality of his mission:
Here, Allah emphasizes Prophet Muhammad’s role as the last prophet, entrusted with the completion of the divine message for all humanity.
4. Quran Says Muhammad is a Mercy to All Worlds
The Quran doesn’t just describe Muhammad’s role as a prophet; as he also presented as a model of compassion, justice, humility, and integrity.
Prophet Muhammad in Quran is described as a mercy to all worlds, in Surah Al-Anbiya (21:107), the Quran says:
This verse asserts the universal nature of prophet Muhammad’s mission and his role as a source of guidance and compassion for all people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or background.
5. Quran Says Muhammad is an Exalted Character
The Quran emphasizes prophet Muhammad’s exemplary character, which stands as a model for believers. In Surah Al-Qalam (68:4), Allah testifies to his noble nature:
Prophet Muhammad’s honesty, humility, and kindness were unmatched, making him a beloved figure even among those who initially opposed his message.
Prophet Muhammad’s life was a living embodiment of Quranic teachings, and his actions consistently reflected the values of justice, patience, and compassion.
6. Quran Says Muhammad is A Perfect Example
The Quran presents propet Muhammad as the ultimate role model for those seeking to lead a righteous life. In Surah Al-Ahzab (33:21), Allah says:
For those searching for a path to Allah, the Prophet’s life serves as a guidebook, illustrating how to live with integrity, worship with sincerity, and treat others with fairness.
7. Quran Says Muhammad is a Blessing for All Believers
The Quran declares the arrival of the Prophet as a divine favor. In Surah Aal-Imran (3:164), Allah says:
8. Quran Says Muhammad is a Witness, a Bringer of Glad Tidings, and a Warner
The Quran says prophet Muhammad is a witness, he conveyed Allah’s message faithfully, ensuring that humanity would never be left in doubt about their Creator’s guidance.
As a bringer of glad tidings, he promised eternal rewards for those who follow the straight path.
And as a warner, he reminded us of the consequences of straying from Allah’s commandments.
In Surat Al-Ahzab (33:45):
What Does Islam Believe About Muhammad?
With the Quran’s verses about prophet Muhammad fresh in our minds, let’s now see what all of this means for Muslims, what Islam believes about Muhammad? How Muslims perceive and regard prophet Muhammad?
1. Islam Believes That Muhammad Is a Human Being Messenger, Not Divine by Any Interpretation
It is very important to understand that while we hold the Prophet in the highest esteem, we also believe he was a human being, just like us. He ate, he walked in the marketplaces, he felt pain, he got sick, and he eventually died, as all humans do.
The Quran reminds us of this in Surat Al-Anbiya (21:34):
And there’s a hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari where Aisha, the Prophet’s wife, narrated that when he was ill, he would recite the Mu’awwidhateen (chapters of seeking refuge in Allah – Surat Al-Falaq and Surat An-Nas) and blow over himself. When his pain intensified, she would recite them and wipe his hand over him, seeking blessings
(Bukhari 5016).
This shows us that prophet Muhammad was a man who experienced human things. He was not a god or a demigod. He was a messenger of Allah, a human being chosen by Allah to deliver His final message to humanity.
And this answers the common question:
Do Muslims Woship Muhammad?
NO, Muslims do NOT worship Muhammad at all. Muslims woship ALLAH, and Allah ALONE.
The Quran emphasizes this in Surat Al-Kahf (18:110):
2. Islam Believes That Muhammad Only Knew the Unseen by Allah’s Will
We also believe that the prophet Muhammad did not have knowledge of the unseen, except for what Allah chose to reveal to him.
Allah alone is the Knower of the unseen.
The Quran states this clearly in Surat Al-Jinn (72:26-27):
The Quran also quotes prophet Muhammad himself, in Surat Al-An’am (6:50), saying:
And again, in Surat Al-A’raf (7:188), prophet Muhammad says:
These verses make it very clear that prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did not have inherent knowledge of the unseen. He only knew what Allah revealed to him. This is important because it reinforces the fact that only Allah is All-Knowing and that we should rely on Him alone for guidance and knowledge.
3. Muslims Believe That Muhammad Was Guided by Allah in Every Word and Deed
We, Muslims, believe that prophet Muhammad was guided by Allah in everything he did and said.
Prophet Muhammad’s life, his actions, his words, they are the example for us.
Allah commands us directly in Surat Al-Hashr (57:7),
“And whatever the Messenger has given you – take; and what he has forbidden you – refrain from. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty” .
It’s very clear – we take what he gives us and we leave what he forbids.
In a hadith narrated by Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him, the Prophet (PBUH) said: “All of my Ummah will enter Paradise except those who refuse.” They asked, “O Messenger of Allah, who would refuse?” He said, “Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me has refused” (Bukhari 7280). So, obeying him is the key to Paradise, and disobeying him is like refusing Paradise itself.
Allah also says in Surat Al Imran (3:31):
This guidance isn’t just in big things like how we pray “Pray as you have seen me praying” (Bukhari 6008). It’s also in the small details of life.
And it makes sense, right? If you want to learn something, you go to the best teacher, and for us, the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is the best teacher in all things. He shows us the path to a righteous life, a life that pleases Allah.
4. Islam Believes That Accepting Muhammad’s Judgments Wholly
Furthermore, we believe in accepting the Prophet’s judgments completely and willingly. There should be no resistance in our hearts to what he has decided.
The Quran highlights this in Surat An-Nisa (4:65):
5. Muslims Believe That Disobeying Muhammad Leads to Misguidance
Just as following the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, brings us closer to Allah, turning away from his guidance leads us away from the right path. It’s like choosing darkness over light.
Allah says in Surat an-Nisa (4:115):
Another verse in Surat An-Nur (24:63) says:
“And let those who oppose the Messenger’s (Muhammad SAW) commandment (i.e. his Sunnah legal ways, orders, acts of worship, statements, etc.) (among the sects) beware, lest some Fitnah (disbelief, trials, afflictions, earthquakes, killing, overpowered by a tyrant, etc.) befall them or a painful torment be inflicted on them.”
Think of it this way: if you’re lost in a desert, and someone who knows the way offers you guidance, would you refuse it? Of course not! You would follow them carefully because they are your only hope of salvation.
Similarly, the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, is our guide in the journey of life, and his teachings are the path to safety and success, both in this world and the next.
6. Islam Believes That Muhammad Is the Best of Prophets and the Master of All Mankind
We, Muslims, respect all of Allah’s prophets, we believe that prophet Muhammad is the best of them all, the master of all mankind.
In a hadith in Sahih Muslim, narrated by Abu Huraira, the Prophet said, “I will be the leader of the children of Adam on the Day of Resurrection, the first for whom the grave will be opened, the first intercessor, and the first to be interceded for”
This hadith highlights prophet Muhammad’s unique position among all of humanity, including the prophets. Prophet Muhammad is the one who will lead us on the Day of Judgment, the one who will intercede for us with Allah.
This doesn’t diminish the importance of other prophets, but it shows us the special place that prophet Muhammad holds in Islam.
7. Muslims Believe in Loving Muhammad More Than Anyone Else
Our love for the prophet Muhammad is a very deep and special kind of love. It’s not just admiration or respect, it’s a love that comes from the heart, a love that is essential to our faith.
In a hadith narrated by both Bukhari and Muslim, Anas ibn Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said,
“None of you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his father, his child, and all the people”
(Bukhari 15).
This might sound extreme to some, but it shows the importance of the Prophet in a Muslim’s life. It’s not about neglecting our families or loved ones. It’s about recognizing that the Prophet’s guidance is what leads us to true happiness and success, and that our love for him should be a reflection of our love for Allah and our desire to follow the right path. It’s about recognizing that following his way is the best way to truly love our families and ourselves, as it leads us to what is truly best for us in this life and the next.
8. Islam Believes That in Moderation in Praising Muhammad
Finally, while we love and respect the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) more than anyone else, we do not exaggerate in praising him or attribute to him qualities that belong only to Allah.
Prophet Muhammad himself warned us against doing this.
In a hadith in Sahih al-Bukhari, the Prophet said,
“Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians praised the son of Mary, for I am only a slave. So, call me the slave of Allah and His Messenger”
(Bukhari 3445).
The word used here for “exaggerate” is ‘itrā’ which means going beyond the bounds in praising.
Imam Ibn al-Teen, may Allah have mercy on him, explained that the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, was warning against praising him in the way that Christians praised Jesus, peace be upon him, to the extent that some of them claimed he was God, or the son of God.
We praise the Prophet Muhammad as the best of creation, the seal of the prophets, and the beloved messenger of Allah, but we do not attribute to him any divine qualities. He is the servant and messenger of Allah, and that is the highest honor any human being can ever achieve. We praise him as he deserves to be praised, without exaggeration or going beyond the limits set by Allah.
This is very important in Islam. We worship only Allah.
And This Brings Us to The Conclusion That…
As I’ve said in the introduction, understanding prophet Muhammad’s place and role in Islam is to understand the very essence of our faith.
Prophet Muhammad is not a deity to be worshipped, but a messenger to be followed, a guide to be emulated, a beloved human being chosen by Allah to lead us to the path of truth and righteousness.
Prophet Muhammad is the culmination of a long line of prophets, bringing us the complete and final message of Allah.
And by understanding and following his teachings, we can reach for the true meaning of our existence, and find peace and contentment in our hearts.
I pray that this has shed some light on this vital aspect of Islam, and it might just illuminate your path.
May Allah guide us all to the straight path.
And May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family, and his companions. Ameen.