La Dawah en el Islam nunca fue fácil. Generalmente vemos gente que viene a nosotros diciendo: “Dejen de venir a los países de otras personas y tratar de convertirlas en un maldito musulmán y quedarse en sus propios países…” Ese fue uno de los comentarios que usualmente recibimos cuando intentamos enseñar a la gente sobre […]

Даават в Исламе означает призывать людей читать об Исламе и лучше понимать его.

La Da'wah (Prédication, en arabe) désigne en Islam le fait d’inviter les autres à mieux lire et comprendre l’Islam. Cette compréhension les rapprochera de l’Islam en devenant musulmans s’ils trouvent l’Islam plus raisonnable. Ou les aidera à ne pas mal interpréter l’Islam.

The Conflict Between Muslims and Christians: It has lately been widespread that Muslims are ordered to kill Christians, or better say ALL NON-MUSLIMS. And that Islam is not tolerating about this point, and that Muslims are seriously going to kill any Christian they meet! So what shall the Christians do? The answer is simple, they […]

Dawah in Islam was never easy. We usually see people coming to us saying: “Quit coming to other people’s countries and trying to turn them into a Muslim **** man up and take your own countries back…” that was one of the comments we usually get when trying to teach people about Islam, and yes […]

I would like to take you on a journey! A journey inside my head where all thoughts and ideas are fighting and killing each other for the sake of survival and becoming part of reality… One day, one horrible day, I was having a terrible battle in my head; I was in a very bad […]