Can Women Go to Graveyard in Islam

Can Women Go to Graveyard in Islam

Sharia protects women but places some restrictions, like visiting graveyards, that some see as aligned with women's nature.

Islamic law (Shari’a) has paid great attention to women and put them in a high place that guarantees honour, protection, and benevolence. Thus, there is a set of controls and rulings that are specific to women (e.g. visiting graveyards) so as to fit their delicate nature and femininity.  Read more about women rights in Islam:

Is Visiting Graveyards Allowed in Islam

Muslims are allowed to visit graveyards. It was just prohibited in the early days of Islam, for both men and women, for the new Muslims came from a background of grave worship and paganism.

Thereafter, when Muslims stood on a solid ground of faith, Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) asked his followers to visit graveyards saying:

 “In the past, I have forbidden you from visiting graves, but now (you) do so,…”


What Is the Wisdom Behind Visiting Graveyards in Islam?

The Prophet advised Muslims to visit graveyards for it softens the heart and reminds of death. That should be an incentive to them to do good and keep the afterlife in mind.

Can Women Visit Graveyards in Islam?

In Islam, the opinion regarding women visiting graveyards is divided among scholars.

Some scholars hold the view that it is permissible for women to visit graveyards, just like men, as long as they adhere to the appropriate etiquette. They base their opinion on various pieces of evidence and hadiths.

  1. They see that the Prophet’s Hadith “  “In the past, I have forbidden you from visiting graves, but now you may do so,…” (Muslim) includes both men and women without any specific exclusion for women.
  1. Additionally, the actions of Aisha, the wife of the Prophet, support the permissibility of women visiting graveyards. She visited the grave of her brother Abd Al-Rhman and when questioned about the prohibition, she stated that the Prophet initially prohibited it but later allowed it.
  2. Another evidence supporting the permission comes from a hadith where the Prophet encountered a woman weeping beside a grave and advised her saying “Fear Allah and be patient.” (Muslim). This shows that the woman’s visitation to the graveyard was not condemned by the Prophet; rather, he advised her to exercise self-control and patience.

However, there are scholars who view women visiting graveyards as undesirable or even prohibited. They base their opinion on hadiths like:

  1.  Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said “Allah has cursed women who frequent graves for visitation.” (Reported by At-Tirmidhi).
  2. Umm Atiyyah (May Allah be pleased with her) reported: We (womenfolk) were prohibited from accompanying a funeral procession, but we were not compelled (not to do so). [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

They argue that women may become overly emotional and engage in practices that are not permissible, such as wailing and lamenting.

Why Can Women Be Prohibited from Visiting Graveyards?

Women are very anxious and discontented, and that they have little patience and endurance. When a woman visits graves, that incites her sadness and brings about her affliction, so she may not control herself from doing what is not permissible, unlike a man.

What Men and Women are Prohibited to Do at the Graveyard

“Wailing at the dead”  is prohibited for both men and women; it includes screaming loudly, shouting out words to lament the dead, tearing clothes, and things of that sort. Indeed, those who are doing so are reviving the customs of the pre-Islamic period of ignorance and opposing the decree of Allah.

The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: “He is not one of us who slaps his cheeks, tears open his clothes, and wails in the manner of the days of ignorance.” 

(Bukhari and Muslim)

Can a Woman Visit Her Husband’s Grave in Islam?

 In her mourning period, some scholars see that the woman should not leave her house except for necessity. ِAccordingly, they see that she is not permitted to visit the graves in that period.

However, there is a juristic opinion that sees that the woman can visit her husband’s grave within the mourning period as long as she is not committing any prohibition like wailing and loud weeping.

*In Islam, the mourning period of the woman whose husband dies is (four months and ten days).

The Extraction from the Opinions of Scholars Regarding Women Visiting Graves

To conclude it, Islam is so merciful to women. It mainly tries to protect them from any potential breakdown they may face, and it protects them from any risk of engaging in prohibited actions when encountering death and being in close proximity to it.

ٌRead more about death and burial in Islam:

 Nevertheless, there is a space for women who know from themselves they can observe proper Islamic etiquette and behave appropriately when visiting the graves.

It is advisable to seek guidance from knowledgeable scholars to obtain a comprehensive understanding of any matter. So, if you need more details on the ruling of women visiting graveyards, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to assist you Insha’Allah.

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