New Muslim Stories Ayesha ‘ Bridget Honey’

New Muslim Stories: Ayesha ‘ Bridget Honey’

Discover Ayesha Bridget Honey journey; a profound example of a reverted Muslim who recognized the brevity of this

Ayesha (died January 5, 2019) was a British-born author and religious educator who reverted to Islam in 1961 and spent most of her life in Nigeria. Her journey is a profound example of spiritual exploration and commitment.

Ayesha Early Life

Born Bridget Honey in Poole, Dorset, in 1940, Ayesha began questioning her faith at the age of thirteen, exploring various religions, including Hinduism and Chinese Buddhism. She pursued her interest in Chinese history, language, and culture at the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). During her first year of study, she encountered Islamic literature and, after deep contemplation, converted to Islam at the Islamic Cultural Centre in 1961.

Ayesha’s Search for Faith

Ayesha’s journey began with a thorough exploration of oriental religions, but she found their perspectives on life and the material world unfulfilling. She questioned the existence of God and the truth of any religion in a comprehensive sense. Initially dismissive of Islam due to negative stereotypes, her perspective changed after reading Islamic literature, particularly the Qur’an. The third chapter of the Qur’an profoundly moved her, leading to her acceptance of Islam.

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Why Ayesha Reverted to Islam

Several aspects of Islam captivated Ayesha. The concept of a singular Creator, the afterlife, and the comprehensive nature of Islamic teachings resonated deeply with her. She admired how Islam harmoniously balanced the needs of the soul and body and the noble style of social life it advocated. The peak for all these feelings and ideas was in the Quran. Finally, her thorough journey of research, coupled with readings and consultations with scholars, culminated in her decision to revert to Islam.

For more about the Quran, read:

Ayesha’s Life after Reverting to Islam

Despite facing societal resistance, Ayesha remained steadfast in her new faith. She married a Muslim man, and together they dedicated their lives to spreading Islamic teachings. Ayesha authored numerous books and organized many seminars, significantly contributing to Islamic education.

Read also:

What Is Islam? A Simple & Easy Guide For Non-Muslim

What is Shahadah in Islam? – A Full Guide

I Want To Be A Muslim But I Am Scared And Have Many Challenges


To conclude, Ayesha, formerly Bridget Honey, recognized the brevity of this life and chose to invest in her eternal life through Islam. Her legacy continues to inspire many as an example of true success. Embracing the truth of Islam, she reminds us of the urgency of faith, as death is always near. There is no time for escaping from the only truth that meets the needs of your tormented soul; i.e. Islam. Death is so near. If you want to become a Muslim, start a conversation now and our team will help you to say the testimony of faith and answer all your questions. Be a Muslim


(1) Men and Women Converted to Islam, a Book (Translated illustrations)


(3) Nawab, Suraiya: The contribution of women to Muslim Society: a study of selected autobiographical and bibliographical literature (PDF), p. 139

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About Jehad Adel

Jehad Adel is a translator, content writer and a student of Islamic sciences. Jehad has been searching and reading in Islamic fields such as Quran interpretation and Islamic theology. Jehad has been learning and professionally practicing linguistics, content writing, and translation related fields, such as CAT tools and machine translation post editing (MTPE). Jehad is interested in content marketing and Islamic translation in specific. Also, she studied at faculty of languages and simultaneous translation, al-Azhar University.

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