Louis from Brazil

He was just going out of the bookcase area, when I went after him asking if he wants

He was just going out of the bookcase area, when I went after him asking if he wants to play some game. Looking half surprised, half wondering, he said “a game??!!”. I said “yes, a game!” , still he had that wondering look, he started playing; moving the balls from one flask to another, finally we had a short speech about goals.

His name is Louis from Brazil, that drove us directly to the world cup and Goals; I asked him if he has a goal in his life, he thought for few moments and then said “Traveling, some small goal!” I asked him; if we achieved all of our goals in life, at then .. what will happen? Where will we go? What do we do after we achieve all these goals? Don’t we all die? Do they go in vain?

He seemed to think about what I said, turning ideas in his head,

Then I said: “You know that we are actually immortal; the origin of us is that we are immortal but not here, our immortality is not here. We actually believe that we’ve came here to do things to get a better place for our immortal life in the hereafter and that what God says in our Qur’an:

n Did you think that we created you in a play (without any purpose) and that you wouldn’t be brought back to us?”.

He seemed to think about it, and finally he took some books from the bookcase, and I took his permission for the photo telling him that it may go internationally.

He’s been so friendly, may Allah guides him to the right path, Amen!

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