Learn about Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) who is a pivotal figure in history, revered and honored by Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. What was Abraham’s true religion, creed, and message?
Do you know what is “Hijra?” It means to leave a place to another one. When Muslims and Prophet Muhammad migrated from “Makkah” to “Madinah”
African American founded NOI (1930) is its own religion. This article asks if NOI beliefs truly match Islam.
One-sixth of the Quran talks about facts, whose accuracy can be tested using scientific methods. We will shed light on some common examples.
The Quran considers lying a major sin with far-reaching consequences. It warns liars of punishment in this world and the next.
Understanding Islam's concept of idolatry, its perils, and its forms is a vital duty to strengthen your monotheism and protect your faith.
This article tackles common non-scientific criticisms of the Quran, offering concise refutations. Dive in!
This article will be discussing a commonly misunderstood topic in Islamic history; which is: Burning The Quran by Caliph Uthman Ibn Affan.
The Hadith comprises sayings and actions attributed to Prophet Muhammad, preserved in written form based on oral transmission.
Mosques are central to the Muslim community, serving as places of worship, education, and social gatherings.
Muslims believe that Allah revealed the Torah to Moses, the Zabour (Psalms) to David, and the Injeel (Gospel) to Jesus.
The Quran is the holy Islamic scripture known to have been the same since its first revelation to Muhammad (PBUH) -1400 years ago- and till now. It is the only religious book that challenges people to bring something similar and guarantees within its texts that it will be preserved.
If you are curious to know some insights on the preservation of the Quran and clues that it is still the same, follow this article.