In Islam, one's deeds determine their afterlife, with Heaven for the righteous and Hell for the sinful. Good actions lead to eternal reward.
Islam emphasizes belief in life after death, resurrection, and the afterlife. The article explains the events surrounding death in Islam.
Muslims respect Muhammad as a Prophet but do not worship him. The article explains Islamic beliefs about Muhammad through the Quran and Hadith.
In Islam, Muhammad is not considered the Messiah. The role of the Messiah is distinct and separate from Islamic beliefs.
Muslims view Jesus as "Al-Masih" (The Messiah), with a different role than in Christianity. This article clarifies his role in Islam.
The main difference between the spread of Christianity and Islam lies in their methods: Christianity often expanded through political coercion and military campaigns, like the Crusades, while Islam largely grew through peaceful means such as trade, dialogue, and its message of justice and freedom of belief. While Christianity’s rise was marked by forced conversions, Islam’s […]
Adam, Eve, and Satan were expelled from the Garden for disobedience. This article explores where they landed on Earth.
Islam views Mary as a pure virgin, while Christianity sees her as the mother of the divine Savior, with different perspectives on her role.
In Islam, Jesus is a revered prophet, born of Mary, and is not divine. He was raised to heaven, and will return before the Day of Judgment.
Islam spread in India through conquests and peaceful methods like trade and preaching. Muslim rulers and intermarriages helped its growth.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) completed Islam by bringing the Quran, with his life and mission supported by scholarly research.