What Effect Did The Spread Of Islam Have On The Slave Trade

What Effect Did The Spread Of Islam Have On The Slave Trade?

Islam limited slavery and regulated the relationship between slaves and masters, ensuring fairness and dignity.

When Islam came, slavery was widespread and common in all nations of the earth since ancient times, and slaves’ rights were disregarded and they did not care whether slaves were taken in wars or taken in an unjust aggression or treachery and betrayal, so Islam came and narrowed this door a lot. also organized the relationship between the slave and the master.

Islam Emphasis On Human Unity And Brotherhood Among All People

God Almighty commanded masters to treat their slaves well, just as they treat their fathers, mothers, and relatives well, to feed them what they eat, to clothe them with what they wear, and not to burden them with work beyond their capacity. 

God Almighty said: “Worship Allah alone and associate none with Him. And be kind to parents, relatives, orphans, the poor, near and distant neighbors, close friends, needy travelers, and those bonds people in your possession. Surely Allah does not like whoever is arrogant, boastful.”


The Prophet Muhamed (PBUH) said: “They are your brothers whom Allah has placed under your control, so feed them from what you eat, clothe them from what you wear, and do not burden them with what they cannot bear. If you burden them, then help them.


Abu Masoud (RAM) said: I was beating my slave with a whip when I heard a voice behind me saying: “Know, Abu Masoud.” I did not understand the voice because of the anger. He said: When he came close to me, it was the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), and he said: “Know, Abu Masoud, know, Abu Masoud.” He said: I dropped the whip from my hand, and he said: “Know, Abu Masoud, that Allah has more power over you than you have over this slave” I said: I will never beat a slave again after him.


The Unity Of Human Origin And The Humanity Of Slaves

Islam came and emphasized the unity of human origin and the humanity of slaves. They are not things, but rather human beings. Human beings are made from the same material as all humans, and the same spirit that God breathed into all humans flows within them. The Prophet Muhamed (PBUH) said: “You are sons of Adam, and Adam came from dust.”


Human brotherhood in general was also emphasized, and the brotherhood of the free and the slaves in particular was emphasized. 

God Almighty said: “Let your adopted children keep their family names. That is more just in the sight of Allah. But if you do not know their fathers, then they are simply your fellow believers and close associates. There is no blame on you for what you do by mistake, but only for what you do intentionally. And Allah is All-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”


With this goodness, Islam lays the foundations of sound social relations in society. Muslims, their freedom (and their slaves) are the same.

God Almighty said: “Do not marry polytheistic women until they believe; for a believing slave-woman is better than a free polytheist, even though she may look pleasant to you. And do not marry your women to polytheistic men until they believe, for a believing slave-man is better than a free polytheist, even though he may look pleasant to you. They invite you to the Fire while Allah invites you to Paradise and forgiveness by His grace. 

He makes His revelations clear to the people so perhaps they will be mindful.”


The Call For Human Freedom And Reduce Of Human Slavery

The call of the Messenger of God was a call for human freedom and the elimination of human slavery to humans. He decided on human freedom and made it one of the signs of the Creator’s honoring of man. He paid special attention to slaves, narrowing the sources of slavery and expanding the outlets for liberation, and people desired to liberate slaves. As for slaves, they found dignity and freedom in the reformist teachings of Islam, and it freed their necks from the yoke of poverty and humiliation, and freed them from the worship of stones and the whips of masters. 

Rather, it made them the masters of Muslims, so much so that Omar ibn al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him, commented on the incident of Abu Bakr buying Bilal ibn Rabah, may God be pleased with them both, to free him from slavery, saying: “Our master and free our master!”

The Impact Of The Spread Of Islam In Reducing Slavery And Recommending Good Treatment

After Islam had Surrounded the objective and ideological conditions that resulted in slavery and guaranteed the immunity of Muslim society in the face of them, it turned to the slave class, and it had the following program and procedures for its liquidation, we will mention some of them, but not all of them:

1. Recommending Good Treatment Of Slaves And Warning Against Harming Them

The last words of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he was about to die were the recommendation for male and female slaves. Ali ibn Abi Talib (RAM) said: The last words of the Messenger of God were: “Prayer, prayer, fear God with regard to those whom your right hands possess.” 


He always ordered them to be treated kindly.

He would become extremely angry when slaves were beaten or harmed. He also forbade mocking slaves or ridiculing their colors or lineages, and he forbade overstretching the slave in service, and he made it obligatory to help him if he was tasked with something beyond his ability.

Contemplate with me the words of the Prophet (PBUH) to the one who insulted the slave: “You are a man in whom there is ignorance.”


This indicates that the description of those who humiliate and harm slaves by word or deed, he described them as ignorant, and linked them to the ages of ignorance and the eras of backwardness.

This is how the Messenger of Allah raised his disciples and taught his people to respect the humanity of people, especially the weak among them, slaves, servants and workers.

This paternal call extends to Muslim rulers in every time and place; it obliges them to protect slaves from torture or persecution, in addition to striving seriously to liberate them.

The status of slaves in the Islamic state rose through their efforts and service to society, and their slavery never disgraced them among their Muslim brothers.

2. The Rule Of “The Expiation For Striking A Slave Is His Emancipation” Was Enacted

Islam legislated an outlet for the emancipation of slaves by enacting the rule of “the expiation for striking a slave is his emancipation,” which did not exist during the days of ignorance, granting the right to freedom to the slave if his master struck him.

On the authority of Abu Salih Dhakwan(RAM), on the authority of Zadhan (RAM), he said: I came to Ibn Umar(RAM), and he had freed a slave of his, and he took a stick or something from the ground, and he said: I do not get any reward for it that is equal to this. I heard the Messenger of Allah say: “Whoever slaps or beats his slave, his expiation is to free him.”


3. The Islamic State’s Sponsorship Of The Disabled Or Sick Slave

Zinba’ Abu Ruh (RAM) – had a slave named Sandar ibn Sandar, and he found him kissing a female slave of his, so he cut off his penis and cut off his nose, so the slave came to the Prophet (PBUH) mentioned that to him. The Prophet (PBUH) said to Zinba’: “What made you do what you did?” He said: “He did such and such.” 

So he mentioned to him what he had done to the slave girl! The Prophet (PBUH) said to the slave: “Go, you are free.”

Musnad Aḥmad 6710

4. Allocating A Share Of The Zakat Proceeds To Be Spent On Freeing Slaves

God Almighty said: “Alms-tax is only for the poor and the needy, for those employed to administer it, for those whose hearts are attracted to the faith, for freeing slaves, for those in debt, for Allah’s cause, and for needy travelers. This is an obligation from Allah. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.”


5. Obligating Individuals To Allocate A Portion Of Their Money To Be Spent For This Purpose (Freeing Slaves)

God Almighty said: “Righteousness is not in turning your faces towards the east or the west. Rather, the righteous are those who believe in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Books, and the prophets; who give charity out of their cherished wealth to relatives, orphans, the poor, needy travelers, beggars, and for freeing captives; who establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and keep the pledges they make; and who are patient in times of suffering, adversity, and in the heat of battle. It is they who are true in faith, and it is they who are mindful of Allah.”


6. Islam Gave Slaves Equality In Social Value With Free People

After Islam reconstructed the psychological and personal structure of slaves and proved to them the equality of social value with free people, we see it taking them by the hand up the ladder of freedom and granting them the right to request manumission. Manumission is a contract between (the slave) and his master in which the former undertakes to pay a financial compensation (in installments) in exchange for his master abandoning him. 

God Almighty said: “And if any of those bonds people in your possession desire a contract to buy their own freedom, make it possible for them, if you find goodness in them. And give them some of Allah’s wealth which He has granted you.”



Islam came and slavery had many causes, including: wars, the debtor who is unable to pay his debt, becomes a slave, robbery and kidnapping, poverty and need. Slavery was established in all parts of the earth as well as the heavenly religions. Slavery in Judaism and Christianity was established and fixed. The sources and origins of slavery were many when Islam appeared, while the ways and means of liberation were almost non-existent. Islam in its legislations changed the view and increased the reasons for freedom, blocked the paths of slavery, and set commandments to block those paths. 

Islam limited the sources of slavery that existed before the message of Muhammad to only one source, which is: war slavery imposed on prisoners of war from the infidels as well as on their women and children. Despite this, the opportunity to restore freedom in Islam is many and wide. Also, the rules for treating slaves in Islam combine justice, kindness and mercy.


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