В качестве мусульманина, я никогда не видел никакой женщины, о которой так часто и многократно говорил Коран, как Мария.

Walking around in Muslims’ streets, you can see and smell blood everywhere in their first, second, third and fourth  days of Eid (Feast).  But what is the purpose behind this? What’s the aim of shedding this amount of blood? Is it just for the pleasure of torturing animals, or is there any other reason behind […]

It has been almost two months now since Donald Trump won the US presidential elections. He is the first president to show out how biased he is to the “White” Americans, and by Americans I mean only Americans! He is refusing people with other nationalities as Arabs, Asians and Africans as he sees them second […]

Thanksgiving that is celebrated in each and every home in the US and Canada has a bloody story that no one will ever tell you. If you think that Thanksgiving was a celebration from the pilgrims with the Indians, then you may want to read this article. Many British Christians had so many concerns and […]

  When I was a little kid I was truly amazed by the idea that Superman is so powerful, and he uses this power in the favor of goodness to make the world a better place! Growing up was very disappointing, knowing that Superman is just an imaginary character and that no such thing really […]

      Muhammad’s Brave Heart We were all impressed when the movie Brave Heart was first introduced to us. To tell you the truth, it still impresses me until this very moment. The idea of a single man believing in something, that he would lead a whole army and make them believe in the […]

One day I was walking down the street and suddenly found this gorgeous girl all covered up in what they call hijab, I call it Oppression myself. I thought to myself, it’s very sunny and hot why would she do that to herself unless she was forced?! I mean this is a total nonsense. I […]