Hajj parte dos sentimentos internos do muçulmano e atinge seu comportamento externo. Tawhid se manifesta na condição primária do hajj, seu destino, rituais e atos relacionados de adoração e súplicas.

Este artigo é dedicado a responder à pergunta: Qual religião surgiu primeiro no mundo? Para responder a essa pergunta, primeiro discutiremos diferentes religiões e crenças, como o paganismo, o cristianismo, o judaísmo e o hinduísmo.

Becoming a Muslim is definitely the best thing that will ever happen to me, but should I start doing all worships once I become a Muslim?

This figure shows a twelfth-century model of the solar system from Baghdad The one who contemplates the reason modern science and technology have taken giant steps and advanced to the present state would certainly agree that it is due to Islamic civilization which transmitted and introduced vast amounts of knowledge and produced many scholars. C.H. […]

Women’s rights: after a long history of injustice (you can watch the video below), the divine revelation echoed in the wide desert of Arabia with a noble and universal message which came to change the ugly human history and to create a life which humanity had never witnessed before in all its civilizations: Women Rights […]