Islamic pilgrimage is to prepare Muslim for unifying his destination towards Tawheed, starting from inner feelings reaching outer behavior.

Preparing for the Places To Visit In Makkah And Madinah During Hajj And Umrah is the best way to get the full experience on your travel to Makkah and Madinah. Pack Your Bag For a Spiritual Journey!

Which religion came first in the world? To reply to that question, we will first discuss different religions and beliefs such as Paganism, Christianity, Judaism, and Hinduism. Then, we will briefly clarify the concept of Islam and its core. We aim at doing a brief comparative study between Islam and other religions to objectively decide which religion came first in the world and which was the first monotheistic religion. 

Better days are yet to come, and it is an honor and happiness for every Muslim to wait for the beginning of this holy and blessed month, Ramadan. Only the wise and smart person is the believer who takes benefits from every single minute of it and performs Dua during Ramadan. Ramadan is a holy […]

Думали ли вы раньше, что нужно, чтобы стать мусульманином? в этом случае этот пост прекрасно предназначен для вас!

Avete mai pensato se sia inizialmente possibile abbracciare l'Islam?

Se tali domande sono gia’ passate nella tua mente, allora questo post è perfetto per te!