Believe it or not, Johnny Depp is one of the celebrities who have the worst hygiene ever. Surprisingly, he doesn’t shower. The matter doesn’t reach only that point, as he is on the brink of bankruptcy because of his lavish spending. He can easily solve these matters. How?! Definitely by following the Islamic teachings in […]

One day, I was in Salah Al-din citadel standing in the Islamic library to give foreigners free books about Islam. Someone came and said, “I want to ask you a question but please answer me frankly. “ I said, “Yes, sure I will do.”  He said “Why are you standing here calling for your religion? […]

Umar (May Allah be pleased with him) Leaders are the essence of success of any nation. They are the men who always bear the responsibility of each citizen in their nation. Nowadays, we really need men who understand the right meaning of leadership, realize that change comes first from within themselves, and know how to […]

Rescue Myanmar Muslims from Real Terrorists We up till now hear that Muslims are the main source of terrorism! But what goes on the ground is totally different. Many incidents happening around the world show that Muslims are the real victims. Nowadays, Muslims are killed everywhere, but people are silent. Human rights organizations are not […]

We all know Zombies. We all feel scared while watching their movies. Dead people raise from their graves with horrible looks. They return to life by black magic and incantations. So weird, right? Do you think that Zombies are here on the earth? It’s out of the question. But in fact one day there were […]

Do you know the Pirates of the Caribbean? Did you hear before about Jack Sparrow? I am sure that you definitely know him. He was a famous pirate who had a funny character and a strange look. Sparrow was drunk, always carrying a bottle of wine and he loved women…or was he?! Well…. forget all […]

Do you know to what extent the opening chapter of Quran (i.e the last divine message) is important? Do know that The opening chapter in Quran has special place in muslims’ hearts? Do you know that Muslims recite the opening chapter in each unit of Islamic prayer? You know that every book has introduction, Quran […]

God said in Quran, “Therefore be patient (O Mohammed) as the Messenger of strong will and be in no haste about them (disbelievers).” [46:35]. Do you know that prophet Moses is one of the messengers of strong will? Do you know that the story of his birth is very inspiring? Do you know that He […]

Omr Ibn Alkhatab narrated that prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) said “An action depends on the intention behind it. A man will be rewarded only for what he intended.” So, what does intention mean? What are the benefits of intention? Why this prophet’s saying is considered one of the main basis in Islam? What […]

According to the  Western  ideology, the concept of childhood was not addressed until the 16th century. It is not that the west did not have children or young people but rather they didn’t have the principles of how to safeguard their right.    Before revolutions in Europe, children were forced to work in harsh conditions […]