Милосердие – дух Ислама. Исламская забота о животных это уникальна и замечательна.
Confused by Islam's long history? Get it in 19 books! This list helps you learn about Islam's origins, development, and major events.
Learn about Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) who is a pivotal figure in history, revered and honored by Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. What was Abraham’s true religion, creed, and message?
Do you know what is “Hijra?” It means to leave a place to another one. When Muslims and Prophet Muhammad migrated from “Makkah” to “Madinah”
Learn what is the Islamic new year and its celebrations in Islam and legitimacy. Muslims don’t be distracted from the purpose of life by celebration.
В этой статье мы обсудим, кто является настоящим Богом. Мы уточним атрибуты истинного Бога и упомянем самых популярных богов, которым поклоняются в мире. В статье будут объективно рассмотрены атрибуты этих Богов, во что верили их первоначальные последователи. В нем также будут даны ответы на наиболее часто задаваемые критические вопросы, касающиеся этой темы.
Mother rights in Islam are given unparalleled importance, elevating their status in both this life and the Hereafter. This article delves into the rights and significance of mothers in Islam, reflecting on the immense respect and duties prescribed by the Almighty Creator.
African American founded NOI (1930) is its own religion. This article asks if NOI beliefs truly match Islam.
Parents in Islam hold a position of paramount importance, as the Quran places the duty of filial piety immediately after the worship of Allah. This profound placement underscores the essential role that parents play in the moral and spiritual development of individuals, by pairing the worship of Allah to kindness to parents.
Many hear the name Allah without fully understanding its meaning or to whom it refers. Is it the God of the Arabs? The God of Muslims? What is the significance behind this name?
Вы, наверное, слышали о Священной книге под названием “Коран”! Что вы о ней знаете? Возможно, вам интересно, кто написал Коран? Действительно ли он из божественного источника? И кто настоящий автор ‘Корана’?
One-sixth of the Quran talks about facts, whose accuracy can be tested using scientific methods. We will shed light on some common examples.