WHAT JIHAD IS? The Arabic word “Jihad” comes from the word “Jahada” which means making an effort, struggling or striving. In Islamic Terminology it is explained as every activity and/or movement on the way of Allah (SWT). So, in reality it covers a spectrum of deeds and actions all dedicated for the sole purpose of […]

Allah When one says Allah, he is actually addressing God by his glorious name. In fact, all Arabian Jews, Christians as well as Muslims use ‘Allah” in referral to The All Mighty the One and only God.   Let there be no doubt that the three Abrahamic religions; Judaism, Christianity and Islam which are “monotheistic” […]

What is Youth? Youth is the prime time of one’s life. Youth is the time when a human is no more a child but an adult (time of puberty and maximum strength).   It is full of passion, power, drive, desire and energy. Islam takes extra special care of youths as they are the power of […]

One of Prophet Muhammad’s companions narrated (Abu Ayyub) that a man said: “O Messenger of Allah, tell me of a deed that will gain me admittance to Paradise.” The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him, establish the Salah, pay the Zakah and uphold the ties of kinship. […]

Nowadays,the world suffers from terrorist acts everywhere. Muslims all over the world are accused of being terrorists , because Islam calls for “Jihad”. But actually the  world’s concept about Islamic Jihad is totally wrong. Before making any judgement, you have first to ask yourself : What is the meaning of Jihad?  What are the kinds […]

Science is a way to life, but what did muslims add to that way?Muslim scholars added and positioned the foundations of modern science to a large extent. To know how is that, let’s go for short trip by the time machine to visit some of the Muslim scientists who made the greatest contributions to our […]

  The Christian scholar Ira G. Zepp, Jr. explained the term of Jihad that the essential meaning of Jihad is the spiritual, psychological, and physical effort we exert to be close to God and thus achieve a just and harmonious society. Jihad literally means striving or struggle and is shortened for Jihad (to fight). In […]

Most of our problems and complaints are relationship related. The truth is, like most areas of life, relationships require attention and skills.Islam presents you with some needed skills to be in the innermost of others’ hearts.Facial expressions : Facial expressions are very important during dealing with others, especially when you’re first meeting someone. Your facial […]

Throughout history,Religion has been abused and misunderstood.      Some people exploited it as a pretext for persecution. Others use it for domination over the masses.In the name of religion unjustifiable wars have been launched, Freedom has been suppressed and Science has been persecuted.Could this be the purpose of religion?Is that the right approach to religion?The […]

In today’s society, many sons and daughters are influenced by secular cultures, which focus on children’s freedom. This freedom blindly encourages children to distance themselves from their parents and mistreat them, those parents who spent their lives building their children’s characters.The children may mistreat their parents in the form of:Raising voices at them, holding grudges […]

Some people accuse Prophet Muhammad to be a pedophile, and others defend that strongly. The purpose of this piece of writing is to let you reach the answer yourself, so in order to do that you have to ask yourself some questions: Pedophilia Sex or sexual activity with children who have not reached puberty. Mentioned […]

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