If you give a presentation, then you were asked to repeat it the next day, will you be able to repeat it the same exact way without a single word changed?
In this article, you’ll know The story of Zamzam water ,The benefits of Zamzam water; Source of Zamzam water And much more!
In this article, we will clarify these important misconceptions regarding the status of Kaaba and Black Stone in Islam.
Islamic pilgrimage is to prepare Muslim for unifying his destination towards Tawheed, starting from inner feelings reaching outer behavior.
In Islam, Friday (Jumu’ah) is the most important day of the week due to the status given to it by God and His last Messenger Muhammad (PBUH).
The Kabba is the core of the pilgrimage to the holy site in Islam “Mecca” which is a core principle in the Faith. The Kaaba, meaning cube in Arabic, is a square building, elegantly draped in a silk and cotton veil.
Eid ul Fitr is the day after Ramadan in which Muslims celebrate the completion of Ramadan and the great worships in it.
The last ten days of Ramadan are the best times for every Muslim to renew his faith, reclaim his heart and draw a new phase in his life. Let's know why and how!
Tahajjud is the term used in Islam for a sort of recommended / voluntary night prayers offered by a Muslim to please God 'Allah'.
Islam offers great opportunities for believers. One of those great opportunities is Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Glory).
Dating in Islam comes with a unique concept. You would find a 40 year old woman, but neither is she married nor did she ever date anyone. You would also find a 45 year old Muslim man, but he never had any sexual relations before. Oh wow, imagine the strength it takes to become like that! It’s a very strong will, hah!
Will Allah forgive Me?! As humans, we are ordered not to commit sins, but sometimes we slip and fall. What to do To seek Allah's Forgiveness.