Hijab for Muslim women, symbolizes modesty and privacy. It covers the head and neck, often paired with clothing that covers the body.
Uno de los cinco pilares del Islam central para la creencia musulmana es Haj. Es la peregrinación a La Meca que todo musulmán debe hacer al menos una vez en la vida si puede. Esta es una breve guía para que usted, querido lector, conozca el concepto de hajj en el Islam, quiénes están obligados a hacerlo, su duración y tiempo, y cómo se realiza en general.
Human limits don't apply to Allah. He eternally is, the supreme Creator unbound by time. Allah is the Ultimate who always exists.
Islamic Art has had a profound influence on the development of art and design around the world. Its inspire artists and designers today.
Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge, including science, to understand the world and serve humanity. Learn more in this article.
The Hadith comprises sayings and actions attributed to Prophet Muhammad, preserved in written form based on oral transmission.
Islam discourages masturbation as sexual gratification outside marriage. Seek guidance from a religious scholar for more details.
Hajj is a once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage to Mecca for Muslims, one of the Five Pillars of Islam.