About Jehad Adel

Jehad Adel is a translator, content writer and a student of Islamic sciences. Jehad has been searching and reading in Islamic fields such as Quran interpretation and Islamic theology. Jehad has been learning and professionally practicing linguistics, content writing, and translation related fields, such as CAT tools and machine translation post editing (MTPE). Jehad is interested in content marketing and Islamic translation in specific. Also, she studied at faculty of languages and simultaneous translation, al-Azhar University.

What does Al Wadud mean? Al Wadud means the one (Allah) who shows actions of love to His servants and believers. One of the Muslim scholars said: It is not strange for the servant to love The Master. What is amazing is when The Creator who has no need for the creations chooses to love […]

In Islam, balance is considered while building the Muslim character. Between hope & fear, let's know one of the 99 names The Exalted in Might 'Al-Azeez'. 

The Pardoner, one of God's beautiful names, means the one who erases the sins and its consequences if one repents. Allah, the only one God, neither He has to make any sacrifice to erase our sins. nor He loads us by any sins of the others. How this affects us as humans... Let's see!

Messenger Muhammad (PBUH)! Every authentic quote by him can help you change social, economic, marital and personal life! His quotes have great influence on people. He is the reason to save billions of people from misguidance and Hellfire.

I used to think of death as an illusion. Maybe I used to believe theoretically in it, but my reality was different. That continued till one day I suddenly felt that I was going to die then. My body was trembling and I couldn't see or stand straight, I was alone and I wasn't able even to cry for help from anyone near. At that time, I was very afraid. I started to think about my past deeds and what is going to happen to me, but I couldn't remember any sincere deed I did that may support me. At that time, my soul cried out; yes, I admit now that I was wrong. O my creator! Shall You give me another chance to correct my path? After that I somehow started to feel better gradually.

     Do you have a kid? Are you full of concerns about how to raise him? The world is full of corruption and you are afraid of that? Here are some guidelines that Islam presents through Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him). 1- Choice of Name: Choose a name with a good meaning for […]