Este artigo lança luz sobre a decisão dos desejos do eid e fornece muitas formas que os muçulmanos usam para desejar um feliz Eid e Eid Mubarak. Além disso, ilustra o espírito social do eid e como ele mostra a beleza do Islam.
Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) performed qiyam al layl persistently and encouraged Muslims to do this through many hadiths reported to us.
Have you ever experienced to love or be loved, or have you felt damaged out of love? You’re not alone, and here is the solution! Your way to paradise.
Vamos discutir o tema quente do Islam e do Natal. Como alguém preocupado em buscar a verdade das coisas, principalmente das mais estranhas, Papai Noel foi um rico assunto para eu satisfazer meu desejo. Continuei lendo, principalmente de fontes cristãs, sobre o Natal, sua origem e o Papai Noel, até que cheguei a esta conclusão: Papai Noel vem com o Islam este ano!
Let’s discuss the Islam And Christmas hot topic. I kept reading about Christmas, its origin, and Santa Claus, till I came to this conclusion: Santa is coming with Islam this year!
Abu Bakr, previously known as Ruben, is an ex-atheist who reverted to Islam. Here we follow the important events in his story and shed some light on the significant parts with some comments.
What does Al Wadud mean? Al Wadud means the one (Allah) who shows actions of love to His servants and believers. One of the Muslim scholars said: It is not strange for the servant to love The Master. What is amazing is when The Creator who has no need for the creations chooses to love […]
Does God love human beings, how or why does God love them? Muslims believe that God (Allah) sent Prophets to humans by His revelation to guide them for their happiness.
In Islam, balance is considered while building the Muslim character. Between hope & fear, let's know one of the 99 names The Exalted in Might 'Al-Azeez'.
The essence of the word Guardian 'Al-Walee' comes from the closeness. It means the one who is in charge of and responsible for you, Let's discover more.
Messenger Muhammad (PBUH)! Every authentic quote by him can help you change social, economic, marital and personal life! His quotes have great influence on people. He is the reason to save billions of people from misguidance and Hellfire.
As-Samad as the One who can satisfy each need in a way He knows that is best, while He is without any need. Moreover, He is the One upon whom all of the creation depend, while He depends on no one.