Сказать “Ас саляму алейкум уа рахматуЛлахи уа баракатуху” - это значит гарантировать то, что вы не причините вреда, так как вы предполагаете безопасность и мир.

Depression is actually haunting everyone of us for different reasons. But nowadays the main reason for depression is quarantine. The Quarantine Is Giving Me Depression, What Should I Do?

How many times did you feel unsafe? How often did you feel threatened, afraid, scared, or unbalanced? did you frequently ask yourself why all these bad things happened?! Will I ever have any everlasting sense of security? Why me? Definitely, you’ve asked these, maybe thousands of times, as you live in such a world of […]

Can you describe your feeling when you hear some good words? Happy, full of joy, motivated, right? What about your feeling when you hear some bad words? Sad, full of depression, despaired, right? To what extent words work like magic! So please everyone take care of all your words, it may break someone’s heart or […]