Contradictions In The Quran: All Are Discussed In Details

Perceived contradictions in the Quran often arise from personal ignorance. Seek guidance from scholars to resolve doubts and

Speaking of contradictions in an authentic Divine revelation that Allah, The Almighty, preserves till the Day of Judgment, it is important to emphasize that we are referring to apparent contradictions. An apparent contradiction may be due to a lack of knowledge of a person due to his ignorance. So, he should seek knowledgeable scholars to refute all doubts, enlighten his mind, and reclaim his heart.

In fact, it is a real knowledge of a person to realize his ignorance.

Infallibility of The Quran

The Quran is really infallible and there are no contradictions in it. Being a Divine revelation, there are no inconsistencies, contradictions or conflicting statements therein. It is the truth that has been sent by Allah, the Truth. 

Allah, The Almighty, says: “Do they not then reflect on the Quran? Had it been from anyone other than Allah, they would have certainly found in it many inconsistencies.” (4:82). Thus, those who claim that there are contradictions in the Quran have real sealed hearts into their chests, so they could not reach a sound understanding. On the other hand, true believers declare that they believe in it as a whole as it’s all from our Lord.

A Prophetic Advice!!!

In this regard, The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “Behold, O people! This is how the nations before you were destroyed, because of their disputing with their Prophets and their contradicting parts of the Books with other parts. The Qur’an does not contradict itself. Rather, it testifies to the truth of itself. Therefore, whatever of it you have knowledge in, then implement it, and whatever you do not know of it, then refer it to those who have knowledge in it.”

How to Find Contradictions in the Quran?

There are some reasons for a person to have thoughts about contradictions in the Quran. Some of them are as follows:

  • Being arrogantly ignorant without realizing his ignorance,
  • Neglecting contextual reading,
  • Having no supporting evidence to refute doubts,
  • Depending only on literal meanings,
  • Being with one-sided thoughts of a mind,
  • Having a sealed heart,
  • Having false Intention,
  • Fleeing from total submission and true belief, or
  • Knowing nothing about the chronological order of the revelation.

For more about Quran authenticity and the real author of the Quran and related topics, read these:

Is Abrogation in Quran a contradiction?

No, for sure. Indeed, understanding abrogation in the Quran helps to see some verses that appears contradicted in their real context.

Abrogation (Naskh) means replacing a ruling, or a context with another. It also includes omitting a whole context of some Ayat of the Quramn.

Allah, The Almighty, says: “…there is no change in the words of Allah…” (10:64). He, The Almighty also says: “When We replace a ayah with another, and Allah knows best what He reveals…” (16:101). Are there any contradictions here? How could we understand those two ayat together? We should first know the meaning of abrogation then the wisdom behind it.

Abrogation does not indicate any fabrication or change. It is one of the mechanisms to refute apparent contradictions among texts by specifying the generalized, limiting the indefinite, and clarifying the ambiguity. Furthermore, the principal meaning of abrogation is omission of a ruling. Allah, The Almighty, says: “Allah eliminates what He wills or confirms, and with Him is the Mother of the Book.” (13: 39) He, The Almighty, also says: “We do not abrogate a ayah or cause it to be forgotten except that We bring forth [one] better than it or similar to it. Do you not know that Allah is over all things competent?” (2:106).

For more insights on abrogation in Quran, its definition, types, wisdom and examples, refer to this article: Abrogation in Quran

Is Abrogation A Contradiction Or A Gradualism?!

Islam is the ultimate remedy for all mankind’s problems. And one of the wisdoms of Islam rulings is gradualism where one can find tranquility in gradually applying religion in his life, away from obligatory worships of course, and that’s for another kind of wisdom as gradualism is an Islamic strategy. 

No one can climb the stairs in one jump! Thus, our spiritual journey needs sincerity, consistency and total submission. That’s why some rulings were abrogated at the beginning of Islam, while others were sent gradually. 

For example, drinking wine and alcohol was an embedded culture in pre-Islamic era in the Arabian peninsula. Thus, alcohol consumption was forbidden over three stages and not as a sudden [see (2:219), (4:43), and (5:90), respectively] 

Some Claimed Contradictions in the Quran

Following are some apparent contradictions in Islam and their explanations:

1- Intoxicants Prohibition

Some may claim that there are some kinds of contradictions in the Ayat of intoxicants prohibition, while if they properly understand the wisdom  behind it they will find none. Understanding those Ayat we shall find gradualism in their setting of a ruling for Muslims and not contradiction. In the pretty initial stage, Allah The Almighty, clarifies the effect of intoxicants saying: “They ask you about intoxicants and gambling. Say, “In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefits for people. But their sin is greater than their benefits…” (2:219). While in the very following stage He declares a specific Divine Command saying: “O you who have believed, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated to know what you are saying…” (4: 43). Then in the final stage, He commanded prohibiting intoxicants saying: “O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone altars [to other than Allah], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.” (5:90).

2- Inner Thoughts are Accountable

Allah, The Almighty, says:

“…Whether you show what is within yourselves or conceal it, Allah will bring you to account for it. Then He will forgive whom He wills and punishes whom He wills…”

(2: 284).

When Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) found difficulty in understanding this ayah, the Prophet, peace and blessings are upon him, reminded the believers of submission to Allah’s rulings and obedience thereof, then they said we heard and we shall obey. Then, Allah The Almighty, has revealed the following ayat showering the believers with His Merciful new rulings abrogating the latter. And, of course, if we understand the literal meaning of these ayat, we will inevitably perish! Allah, The Almighty, has revealed:

“The Messenger ‘firmly’ believes in what has been revealed to him from his Lord, and so do the believers. They ‘all’ believe in Allah. His angels, His Books, and His messengers. ‘They proclaim,’ “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.” And they say, “We hear and obey. ‘We seek’ Your forgiveness, our Lord! and to You ‘alone’ is the final return” * Allah does not require of any soul more than what it can afford. All good will be for its own benefit, and all evil will be to its own loss. ˹The believers pray,˺ “Our Lord! Do not punish us if we forget or make a mistake. Our Lord! Do not place a burden on us like the one you placed on those before us. Our Lord! Do not burden us with what we cannot bear. Pardon us, forgive us, and have mercy on us. You are our ˹only˺ Guardian. So grant us victory over the disbelieving people.”(2: 285-286).

These ayat abrogated the accountability of inner thoughts and affirmed the significance of utterances and actions. In fact, abrogation, here, clarifies the ambiguity of the minds of the Companions at the time of the revelation of these ayat.

3- The Ruling of Retribution (Qiṣāṣ)

Allah Almighty says: “…prescribed for you is legal retribution for those murdered – the free for the free, the slave for the slave, and the female for the female…”(2: 178). Allah Almighty also says: “And We ordained for them therein a life for a life…” (5:45). To understand the two ayat, we should first relate it to its context to understand the situation during which these two ayat were revealed.

Through a contextual reading, In fact, the second ayah (5:45) declares what has been prescribed by Allah, The Almighty, in Torah, while the first ayah (2: 178) affirms the ruling of retribution and sets its limits according to Islamic legislations.

4- The Ayah of the Bequest

Allah, The Almighty, says: “Prescribed for you when death approaches [any] one of you if he leaves wealth [is that he should make] a bequest for his parents and his near relatives according to what is acceptable – a duty upon the righteous.” (2:180) He, The Almighty, also says: “And those who are taken in death among you and leave wives behind – for their wives is a bequest: maintenance for one year without turning [them] out….” (2: 240)

The majority of scholars said that the bequest for the relatives has been abrogated and is no longer obligatory. If they are heirs they have the right to receive their portion (depending on the ayat of the inheritance), and if they are not among the heirs, the bequest for them is not obligatory. According to the Hadith “There is No Bequest For An Heir“ and the consensus of Muslim scholars, the ayah of inheritance (4:11) has abrogated the ayah of bequest (2:108) ordained for the parents and the wife.

5- Prayers Destination for Muslims (Qiblah)

Allah, The Almighty, says: “To Allah belong the east and the west, so wherever you turn you are facing ˹towards˺ Allah…” (2: 115). Then, Allah, The Almighty, says: “Indeed, We see you ˹O Prophet˺ turning your face towards heavens. Now We will make you turn towards a direction ˹of prayer˺ that will please you.” (2:144). 

Some people claim that there is a contradiction between these two ayat. How to understand these two ayat together?

East VS West!

After daily prayers became obligatory, Muslims used to face Jerusalem during praying and that was before the Divine command to face the Sacred Mosque in Makkah. After revelation of the ayah that changes prayers destination (2:144), the foolish among the people asked, “Why did they turn away from the direction of prayer they used to face?”.  The ayah (2: 115) answers them without any contradiction. It clarifies that Allah, The Almighty, is the Objective in such directions, as to Him we turn our face while to Him belongs bothe the east and the west (all directions). It is all about Whom you are turning your face towards and not to where.

Contextual Reading

To understand any context, you should know first the situation of it, so as the Quranic context and we have multiple points of view understanding it:

  1. Some scholars interpretted that the first ayah (2: 115) has been abrogated by the ayah (2:144).
  2. Some others said that the ayah was revealed when a group of companions were unable to find the correct direction of the Qiblah in the dark or due to cloudy sky and, thus, prayed in a direction other than the Qiblah by mistake.
  3. And, it has been said also that it was revealed to ease the difficulty, as it permits praying voluntary prayers without facing the Qiblah, while traveling, when in fear and when facing the enemy. And it’s been narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) used to perform non-obligatory prayers while mounting his camel, without facing the Ka’bah, while traveling.

6- One True Religion Vs. the Concept of the Abrahamic Religion

Allah, The Almighty, says: “Indeed, the believers, Jews, Sabians and Christians—whoever ˹truly˺ believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good, there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve.” (5:67). 

He, The Almighty, also says: “Whoever seeks a way other than Islam,[[ i.e., full submission to the Will of Allah.]] it will never be accepted from them, and in the Hereafter they will be among the losers.” (3:85). 

Some claim that there is a contradiction between these two ayat. They depend on this claim to assert that Muslims, Jews and Christians follow one true religion called the Abrahamic religion, as they all believe in monotheism! 

Yet, the first ayah (5:67) is talking about the Jews, Sabians and Christians who accepted Islam and believed in the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). 

It also includes all people who believed in the Messengers who have been sent to them and they followed their religious teachings. Furthermore, the second ayah (3:85) affirms that Islam is the true religion which Allah sent all His Messengers with. It asserts that the true believer is the one who worships Allah alone with no associate.

7- Creation of the Dunyah

Allah, The Almighty, says: “Indeed your Lord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six days then established Himself on the Throne…” (7:54). He, The Almighty, also says: “All it takes, when He wills something ˹to be˺, is simply to say to it: “Be!” And it is!” (36:82).

Why does Allah, The Most Powerful, take six days to create something?!

In fact, Allah, The Almighty, through the ayat of creation of the Dunyah teaches us the importance of gradualism, consistency and order. Allah, The Almighty, has created Earth, then Heaven, then afterwards, He spread the whole Earth with its sufficient support. This confirms the general system of causality as a cosmic law. It shows that Allah, The Almighty, is the Lord of all causes and The Greatest Creator.


If you need to know more about abrogation, consider reading my translated article here. Whereas the appearance of the “Theory of Abrogation” was actually initiated by Ash-Shafi’ī through his Book Ar-Risalah. You may also check his book.

It is your turn to open your heart and give yourself a chance to find the truth through seeking knowledge. May Allah guide us all to the right path, grant us total submission to Him, and protect our minds from any doubts or illusions.


Rehab Jamal Bakri

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About Rehab Jamal

Rehab Jamal is a freelance translator and a Quran teacher. She is interested in Islamic studies. For years, Rehab has been trying as much as possible to volunteer in the field of Da'wah. Rehab can help you in translation, proofreading, recording, and writing in many fields, especially the field of Islamic studies. Rehab studied at al-Azhar University. She received her BA from the faculty of Languages and simultaneous interpretation (2017). She is fluent in English and Arabic and knows some French.

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