jesus name in the quran

Jesus’ Names in the Quran

Do you know that Quran directly mentions the name Jesus (ʿĪsā) 25 times, while the title “Son of

The Quran, the holy scripture of Islam, holds a profound reverence for Jesus (ʿĪsā), a noble Prophet mentioned numerous times with distinct titles and attributes that reflect his special status. Let’s delve into how the Quran refers to Jesus through his name and titles, highlighting the significance of this great figure in Islam.

Jesus’ Names in the Quran

The Quran directly mentions the name Jesus (ʿĪsā) 25 times, while the title “Son of Mary” (Ibn Maryam) is used 23 times, and “Messiah” (Masîḥ) appears 11 times. These references collectively emphasize his unique role, his miraculous life, and his elevated status in Islamic belief. Sometimes, these titles are mentioned separately, while at other times, they are combined.

Read more: What Does the Quran Say About Jesus?

1. The Messiah (Masîḥ – المسيح)

The title “Messiah”, meaning “the anointed one,” is exclusively associated with Jesus in the Quran. However, this term in the Quranic usage is not linked to Jesus’ prophetic mission or commandments but is used to correct misconceptions and elevate his status.

For instance, the Quran declares:
“The angels said, ‘O Mary, indeed Allah gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah]’” (Quran 3:45).

Scholars have debated the origin of the term “Messiah” (Masîḥ). Ibn Abd al-Barr mentions multiple interpretations, including that it signifies his travels across the earth (from “Masḥ,” meaning to traverse) or his ability to heal afflictions by Allah’s permission.

Read: The Story of Jesus in the Quran

2. Son of Mary (Ibn Maryam – ابن مريم)

Jesus is frequently called “Son of Mary” in the Quran, which highlights his miraculous birth and human nature, distinctly separating him from claims of divinity. This title underscores the honor given to Mary and the divine signs associated with both mother and son.

The Quran states:
“And We made the son of Mary and his mother a sign and sheltered them on a high ground with tranquility and flowing water” (Quran 23:50).

This title reminds believers of his humanity and the miraculous circumstances surrounding his life, serving as a testament to Allah’s power and wisdom.

3. Jesus (ʿĪsā – عيسى)

The Quran uses the name “Jesus” in various forms, including “Jesus, son of Mary,” emphasizing his mission as a prophet who confirmed the Torah and received the Gospel as a source of guidance.

For example, the Quran states:
“We sent after them Jesus, son of Mary, confirming what came before him in the Torah. And We gave him the Gospel, containing guidance, light, and confirmation of the Torah that preceded it—a guide and an admonition for the righteous” (Quran 5:46).

This verse highlights Jesus’ role in affirming previous scriptures and serving as a guide for righteousness.

Read more: Does the Quran Teach that Jesus is a Muslim?

Conclusion: The Significance of Jesus in Islam

In Islam, Jesus is regarded as one of the greatest Prophets, a miraculous sign of Allah’s power, and a messenger who brought divine wisdom. Jesus names and titles in the Quran are not merely linguistic references but reflect his exalted status in Islam. These descriptions emphasize his humanity, correct misconceptions about his nature, and establish his role as a revered figure who upheld Allah’s message.

Through these titles—Jesus, Messiah, and Son of Mary—the Quran provides a balanced and respectful understanding of Jesus, inviting reflection on his life and mission. By exploring Jesus’ name in the Quran, we gain a deeper appreciation of his honored position in Islam and the broader context of Islamic teachings.

Curious to know more about Jesus and Mary in the Quran? Don’t hesitate to send your questions right now!

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