jesus name in the quran

Jesus Names in the Quran

The Quran names Jesus and 24 other prophets, detailing Jesus's life and teachings while refuting some Christian beliefs.

The name of the Prophet Jesus (‘Isa in Arabic) is mentioned in the Quran twenty-five times. The Quran mentions the names of twenty-five Prophets and Messengers (peace be upon them all), while other names were not mentioned.

“And messengers (the stories of) whom We have already narrated to you and messengers (the stories of) whom We have not narrated to you.”

[ The Noble Quran, 4: 164]

We can deduce from these Quranic Ayahs the chronology of the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him), his miracles and his doctrine. Some Ayahs also refute the claims of Christians and deny their false doctrines.

Chronology of the Prophet Jesus

All the Quranic Ayahs mentioned the name of Jesus (peace be upon him) giving us a glimpse of his life from the beginning of his miraculous birth till his departure from the earth. Even a story in Surat Maryam showed the miracle of his creation in his mother’s womb.

Miracles of Jesus

The whole life of Jesus (peace be upon him)  is full of miracles proving his prophethood and the Oneness of God, his Creator. The creation in his mother’s womb is the first miracle that shows that the life of this Prophet will be different. 

Being a speaking infant in the cradle, creating from clay the shape of birds, healing illness, bringing out the dead, and sending a table spread (with food) from Heaven are among the miracles given to the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) as a prove that he is a Prophet sent by Allah to guide his nation.

1. The Creation in His Mother’s Womb

Jesus had no biological father, and his mother was a virgin.

“16 And remember in the Scripture Mary, when she secluded herself from her family in an eastern location. 17 And she took a cover for herself away from them, and We sent to her Our Spirit, so He appeared to her as a human being in perfect shape.18 She said, “I seek refuge from you with the All-Merciful, if you are mindful (of God).”19 He said, “I am only a messenger of your Lord to grant you a pure boy.”20 She said, “How can I have a boy when no human being has touched me, nor have I ever been a harlot?”21 He said, “Thus said your Lord, `It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign for humanity and a mercy from Us, and it has been a matter already decreed.’”22 So she carried him and secluded herself with him in a remote place.”

[ The Noble Quran, 19: 16-22]

“45 Recall when the angels said, “O Mary, Allah indeed gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him. His name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, well-esteemed in the Earlier (Life) and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near.” 

[ The Noble Quran, 3: 45]

2. Speaking Infant in the Cradle 

“46 And he will speak to people in the cradle and in adulthood and will be one of the righteous.”47 She said, “My Lord, how can I have a child when no human being has touched me?” He said, “So shall it be! Allah creates whatever He wills. Whenever He decrees a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be,’ and so it is.”

[ The Noble Quran, 3: 46]

3. Creating from Clay the Shape of Birds, Healing the Illness and Bringing Out the Dead

“110 When Allah said, “O Jesus, son of Mary, recall My blessing upon you and upon your mother when I aided you with the holy spirit, (making) you speak to people while in the cradle and in the prime of manhood; and when I taught you the Scripture and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you create from clay the shape of birds, by My leave, then breathe into it so it becomes birds , by My leave; and when you heal the born-blind and the leper, by My leave; and when you bring out the dead, by My leave; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from you when you brought them the evident proofs. But those who denied among them said, `This is nothing but evident sorcery .’”

[ The Noble Quran, 5:110]

“And (He will appoint him as) a messenger to the Children of Israel (to proclaim): ‘I have come to you with a sign from your Lord: that I create for you out of clay the shape of a bird, then I breathe into it so it becomes a bird by Allah’s leave; and I heal the born-blind and the leper; and I revive the dead by Allah’s leave; and I inform you concerning what you eat and what you store in your houses. Indeed, in that is a sign for you, if you are believers.”

[ The Noble Quran, 3:49]

4. The Table Spread (with food) From Heaven

“111 And recall when I revealed to the disciples: “Believe in Me and in My Messenger.” They said, “We have attained faith, so bear witness that We are certainly Muslims .”112 And recall when the disciples said, “O Jesus, son of Mary, can your Lord bestow upon us from on high a table spread (with food) from heaven?” He said, “Be mindful of Allah, if you are believers.”113 They said, “We want to eat from it, so that our hearts become serene, and to know that you have told us the truth, and to be of its witnesses.”114 Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O Allah, our Lord, send down for us a table spread (with food) from heaven to be a feast for us, for the first of us and the last of us, and a sign from You. And provide for us, for You are the Best of providers.”115 Allah said, “Indeed, I shall bestow it upon you from on high, but whoever of you denies thereafter, then I shall indeed punish him with a punishment the like of which I never punish anyone of (My creation in) all realms.”

[ The Noble Quran, 5:111-115]

The Doctrine of Jesus

Jesus is a monotheist servant, a righteous man and a devoted son. Peace be upon him and all other prophets and messengers.

1. A Monotheist servant

“He said, “I am Allah’s servant. He has brought me the Scripture and has made me a prophet.”

[The Noble Quran, 19: 30]

“36 And indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him; this is a straight path.”

[The Noble Quran, 19: 36]

2. A Righteous Man 

“31 And He has made me blessed wherever I may be and has enjoined upon me prayer and purifying charity so long as I live.”

[The Noble Quran, 19: 31]

3. A kind Son to His Mother

“32 And He has made me very kind to my mother and has not made me a wretched coercer.” 

[The Noble Quran, 19: 32]

Ayahs  Refuting the Claims of Christians and Denying their False Doctrines.

The Quran includes Ayahs refuting the claims of Christians and denying their false doctrines, misinterpretations, deviation and misguidance. The Quran mentions that Jesus is not the son of God, or a god, but a Prophet who was not crucified or died. The Ayahs also affirm the Oneness of Allah Almighty and refute the doctrine of trinity.

1. Jesus is not the son of God

”34 That is Jesus, son of Mary—the word of truth about which they are skeptical. 35 Never was it for Allah to have any offspring—Highly Exalted is He; whenever He decrees a matter, He only says to it, “Be,” and so it is.”

[The Noble Quran, 19: 34-35]

2. Jesus is not a god 

Jesus is not a god. He was created by Allah Almighty like Adam.

“ Indeed, the likeness of Jesus with Allah is as the likeness of Adam: He created him from dust, then said to him, “Be,” and so he is.

[The Noble Quran, 3:59]

“ And recall when Allah said, “O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to mankind, ‘Take me and my mother as two gods apart from Allah?’” He said, “Highly Exalted are You! It is not for me to say what I have no right to. Had I said it, You would have known it. You know whatever is within my (inner) self, and I do not know whatever is within Your Self. You are indeed the Superb Knower of the hidden realms.”

[The Noble Quran, 5: 116]

3. Jesus is a Prophet sent to the children of Israel

Jesus (peace be upon him) is the Prophet of the Children of Israel and the last Prophet before the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). 

“O People of the Scripture, do not exaggerate in your religion, and do not say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, is indeed nothing but Allah’s Messenger and His Word that He cast to Mary, and a Spirit from Him.”

[The Noble Quran, 4:171]

“6 And recall when Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O Children of Israel, I am Allah’s Messenger to you, confirming what preceded me of the Torah and a bearer of glad tidings of a messenger who comes after me, whose name is Ahmad.” Yet when he came to them with evident proofs, they said, “This is evident sorcery .”7 And who is more unjust than one who fabricated lies against Allah when he was being invited to Islam? Thus Allah does not guide the unjust people.”

[The Noble Quran, 61: 6-7]

Allah Almighty sent the Gospel to Jesus (peace be upon him) as guidance and light to his nation.

“And in their footsteps We sent Jesus, son of Mary, confirming what preceded him of the Torah. And We brought him the Gospel, wherein is guidance and light, and confirming the Torah that preceded him, and a guidance and an admonition to the ones who are mindful (of God).”

[The Noble Quran, 5: 46]

“ 27 Then We sent in their wake Our messengers and followed them with Jesus, son of Mary, and We gave him the Gospel and instilled in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy. But the monasticism which they invented was only to seek Allah’s good pleasure—We did not ordain it for them— yet they did not observe it with its due observance. So We gave those of them who attained faith their reward, but many of them are defiantly disobedient.”

[The Noble Quran, 57: 27]

4. Jesus was neither crucified nor died

Allah Almighty saved Jesus from crucifixion and death.

 “And on account of their denial and their saying against Mary a great slander,157 and their saying, “We have surely killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.”… In fact, they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them as if they had. And indeed, those who differed over him are in doubt about it. They have no knowledge of it—just following assumptions. And certainly, they did not kill him.”

[The Noble Quran, 4: 156]

Jesus did not die for our sins but was raised by Allah to Himself. Jesus (peace be upon him)  is alive. This refutes the salvation and the true meaning of the original sin.

“As Allah said, “O Jesus, I am taking you back and raising you to Me and cleansing you of those who denied, and I am making those who follow you superior to those who denied until the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me is your return, then I will judge between you regarding whatever you used to differ over.”

[The Noble Quran, 3: 55]

5. Allah is Only One

 “So believe in Allah and His messengers, and do not say, “Three.” Refrain—(that is) better for you. Indeed, Allah is only one God; Highly Exalted is He—that He should have a son! To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth. And Allah suffices as a Trustee.” 

[The Noble Quran, 4:171]


We can deduce from the Quran the timeline of Jesus’ life, his miracles and his doctrine. We can also refute the claims of Christians and deny their false doctrines through Quranic Ayahs affirming the prophethood of Jesus and the Oneness of Allah Almighty. Islam is the message of all Prophets. Thus, Muslims believe in all Prophets and Messengers sent by Allah and believe in all the Divine Scriptures.

“253 Those messengers—we favored some of them over others of them: to some of them Allah spoke (directly), and some of them He elevated by degrees. And We brought Jesus, son of Mary, the evident proofs, and We aided him with the Holy Spirit. And had Allah willed, those who succeeded them would not have fought one another after the evident proofs had come to them, but they disputed—for some of them attained faith and some of them denied. For had Allah willed, they would not have fought one another, but Allah does what He wants.”

 [The Noble Quran, 2: 253]

To know more about Jesus (peace be upon him) and Mary, you can read The Story of Jesus and Mary in the Holy Quran. Also, our team is inviting you for a chat to answer all your questions.

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About Rehab Jamal

Rehab Jamal is a freelance translator and a Quran teacher. She is interested in Islamic studies. For years, Rehab has been trying as much as possible to volunteer in the field of Da'wah. Rehab can help you in translation, proofreading, recording, and writing in many fields, especially the field of Islamic studies. Rehab studied at al-Azhar University. She received her BA from the faculty of Languages and simultaneous interpretation (2017). She is fluent in English and Arabic and knows some French.

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