The Quran was revealed over 23 years and preserved through oral and written methods. Authentic texts clarify its timing after Jesus.
Muslims believe Muhammad (PBUH) is the seal of all Prophets, came after Jesus (PBUH). This article explains why.
Muslims believe Jesus will return to judge the world, according to the Quran and Sunnah. He will not die for sins, but Jesus will judge.
Do you know that Quran directly mentions the name Jesus (ʿĪsā) 25 times, while the title “Son of Mary” (Ibn Maryam) is used 23 times, and “Messiah” (Masîḥ) appears 11 times? discover more!
The Quran teaches that Jesus is a Muslim, as Islam was the message sent to all prophets. Muslims believe in all prophets without distinction.
The Quran depicts Jesus (PBUH) as a revered Prophet, with key chapters detailing his life and teachings....
Have you ever wondered, did Islam come from Christianity? Are conflicting sources leaving you uncertain about the truth? Muslims believe in the Bible in its original form and regard Jesus (peace be upon him) as a revered Prophet of Almighty God. Did you know that Muslims uniquely uphold many of Jesus’ teachings as found in […]
Muslims believe that Allah revealed the Torah to Moses, the Zabour (Psalms) to David, and the Injeel (Gospel) to Jesus.
For more than fourteen centuries scholars from Judaism, Christianity and Islam have been discussing whether or not the prophet Muhammad -Peace & Mercy be Upon Him- could have indeed been a true prophet from Almighty God. Was he the long awaited ‘Messiah’ the Jews have been waiting for so many centuries? Was he […]
who is the real and true God. We will clarify the attributes of a true God and mention the most popular worshipped Gods in the world. The article will review the attributes of these Gods objectively as believed by their original followers. It will also answer the most commonly asked critical questions regarding this topic.
In this article, we will investigate the question from many angles and leave you with the truth before you.
Learn all about the original sin and the death of Jesus from the Islamic point of view and the Christianity point of view in details.