People have many disagreements in this life. Disagreements in nearly all matters that you can think of. Yet, one of the facts that no one can deny is the same fact that most ignore. This makes you wonder; why do people ignore such a critical fact in our lives? And are you conscious and preparing […]

One of the most wondrous things I have met while surfing the World Wide Web was the abundant videos for criminals who have embraced Islam. Despite being a Muslim, I was astonished of the huge number of reverts, after having committed all sorts of crimes and living long gangsters’ lives. Being so curious, I decided […]

The birth of Jesus was more than the account of one more human being born into this world, but its significance was felt around the world and continues to affect the lives of people everywhere till the end of time. The birth of Jesus was God’s sign to people and a mercy to mankind. Interestingly, Jesus […]

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