Islam offers great opportunities for believers. One of those great opportunities is Laylatul Qadr (The Night of Glory).

In this article, Insha’ Allah, we will answer all questions pertaining Zakat al-Fitr in brief with evidences as possible.

Hadith Collection And Authentication is a modern-time obsession. How can we be sure that anything is real? What can lead us to certainty and conviction?

What does engagement mean in Islam? Is it a party where the fiancé/fiancée exchanges ring?  Actually no, it is not. Indeed, there are some regulations for engagement in Islam that need to be observed:

One of the most wondrous things I have met while surfing the World Wide Web was the abundant videos for criminals who have embraced Islam. Despite being a Muslim, I was astonished of the huge number of reverts, after having committed all sorts of crimes and living long gangsters’ lives. Being so curious, I decided […]