Vince Vocarelli was one of the most notorious Italian gang leaders in Australia. He was imprisoned for fifteen months; in isolation where he read the Quran, said it spoke to him, and found Allah and Islam in 2012.

Cleansing and purifying one's self in Islam have a high importance to the degree that all Islamic texts and references books for "Shariah" (Islamic Rulings) always talk about it at the very first chapter.

Mohamed Salah. Who is he? Mohamed Salah Ghaly or “Mo Salah”; as he’s worldwide known now; is a Muslim Egyptian professional footballer, born on 15th June 1992 in Nagrig, Basyoun, Gharbia, Egypt.  He plays as a forward for the English Club Liverpool and the Egyptian National Team.  He is a part of a phenomenon called “Muslim […]

Believe it or not, Johnny Depp is one of the celebrities who have the worst hygiene ever. Surprisingly, he doesn’t shower. The matter doesn’t reach only that point, as he is on the brink of bankruptcy because of his lavish spending. He can easily solve these matters. How?! Definitely by following the Islamic teachings in […]

One of the most wondrous things I have met while surfing the World Wide Web was the abundant videos for criminals who have embraced Islam. Despite being a Muslim, I was astonished of the huge number of reverts, after having committed all sorts of crimes and living long gangsters’ lives. Being so curious, I decided […]

One day, I was in Salah Al-din citadel standing in the Islamic library to give foreigners free books about Islam. Someone came and said, “I want to ask you a question but please answer me frankly. “ I said, “Yes, sure I will do.”  He said “Why are you standing here calling for your religion? […]

How many quotes are there that describe good manners? How many articles? How many books? Lots and lots; all trying to deliver the image of a perfect world. Prophet Muhammad PBUH (Peace be upon him) once said that he has been honored over other prophets and messengers by some characteristics, and one of them is […]

“I’ll be there in five minutes” … “I’ll finish it tomorrow” …”I won’t do this again” .. “I’ll meet you later”. There are examples of many promises we say daily, but we don’t keep. A promise is a commitment by someone to do or not to do something. Keeping promises is an important principle in […]