To know which Prophet came after Jesus (’Isa in Arabic), we need to understand the chronology of all Prophets to merge the events of their life and the historical events transmitted to us. Muslims believe that Muhammad (ﷺ), the seal of all Prophets, came after Jesus since Islam is the message of all Prophets and Messengers.
We will discuss here which Prophet came after Jesus in Islam and why Muhammad (ﷺ) is the Prophet who came after Jesus.
Which Prophet Came After Jesus in Islam
Muhammad (ﷺ) is the Prophet who came after Jesus (peace be upon him). He is the seal of all Prophets, sent with the Quran, Allah’s speech and the last divine Scripture and legislation.
1. Evidence From the Quran
The Noble Quran shows that Jesus is a Muslim and one of the Prophets sent by Allah with the Gospel to guide the Jews and bring glad tidings of a messenger who comes after him.
“And recall when Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O Children of Israel, I am Allah’s Messenger to you, confirming what preceded me of the Torah and a bearer of glad tidings of a messenger who comes after me, whose name is Ahmad.”
Note: Ahmad is one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
2. Evidence from the Gospel
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is mentioned by his exact name in one of the Gospels. The Gospel of Barnabas, which explicitly mentions Muhammad (ﷺ), is widely recognized by scholars as a fabrication from the Early Modern Age.
“157 those who follow the Messenger, the gentile Prophet whom they find written in the Torah and the Gospel—in their possession—commanding them to what is fair and forbidding them what is deplorable, and allowing for them all good things and prohibiting for them nasty things, and unloading their heavy load and the shackles that were upon them…”
Why is Muhammad (ﷺ) the Prophet to Come After Jesus?
The original message of Jesus was distorted and his followers were deviated For example, a group of them were affected by Pauline Christianity which adopted pagan beliefs. Thus, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) came after Jesus (peace be upon him) as a perfection, mercy, reminder and seal.
From Adam to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon them), Islam was sent to mankind till it was completed and refined in the final divine message through the preserved Scripture sent to the seal of all Prophets; the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
“…Today I have perfected your religion for you and have completed My blessings upon you, and I have approved Islam as a religion for you.”
Thus, Muslims believe in all Prophets and Messengers sent by Allah with no distinction and believe in all the Divine Scriptures.
“…They ˹all˺ believe in Allah, His angels, His Books, and His messengers. ˹They proclaim,˺ “We make no distinction between any of His messengers.”…”
2. A Mercy to all mankind
Muhammad (ﷺ) is the Prophet of mercy, and this is exemplified in the life of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) himself. Thus, True Muslims strive to follow the Prophet’s footsteps in every aspect of their lives to apply this universal message profoundly.
“For We have not sent you (O Muhammad!) but as a mercy to all realms.”
3. A Reminder for all Mankind and the Jinn
Muhammad (ﷺ) is a reminder for both mankind and the Jinn, while the Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him) was sent to the children of Israel only.
1 Say, “It was revealed to me that a band of unseen beings listened in and said, ‘Indeed, we have heard a wondrous Recital 2 that guides to prudence, so we have come to believe in it, and we will never associate anyone with our Lord.”
“And recall when Jesus, son of Mary, said, “O Children of Israel, I am Allah’s Messenger to you, confirming what preceded me of the Torah and a bearer of glad tidings of a messenger who comes after me, whose name is Ahmad.”..”
4. The Seal of all Prophets
Muhammad (ﷺ) is the last Prophet and the Noble Quran is the last Scripture.
“Never has Muhammad been the father of any of your men, but a Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. And Allah has always been All-Knowing of everything.”
All the Prophets (peace and blessings be upon them) were sent with the same message; monotheism and submission. They share the same theology, yet some legislations are not identical. Legislations and worshipping rituals are different in coping with the time and nation addressed.
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) came after Jesus (peace be upon him) as a perfection, mercy, reminder and seal. This is because the original message of Jesus was distorted and his followers were deviated by adopting pagan beliefs.
Prophethood is a divine selection for some people with certain qualities. Allah Almighty sends Prophets and Messengers as teachers to remind us of the true religion, the purpose of our existence and how to connect with Allah.
“24 Indeed, We have sent you with the truth, as a herald of glad tidings and a warner. And there is no community but a warner has passed through it.”
To know more about Islam; the message of all Prophets, read this interesting article.