What is Youth? Youth is the prime time of one’s life. Youth is the time when a human is no more a child but an adult (time of puberty and maximum strength). It is full of passion, power, drive, desire and energy. Islam takes extra special care of youths as they are the power of […]
The Conflict Between Muslims and Christians: It has lately been widespread that Muslims are ordered to kill Christians, or better say ALL NON-MUSLIMS. And that Islam is not tolerating about this point, and that Muslims are seriously going to kill any Christian they meet! So what shall the Christians do? The answer is simple, they […]
All of us have those financial ups and downs during our life cycle. Here are the solutions available, the their effects on our life.
Islam discourages masturbation as sexual gratification outside marriage. Seek guidance from a religious scholar for more details.
Umrah is a form of worship in Islam that has several benefits. In this article, we will list six different benefits of Umrah.
The Black Stone is a blessed stone . It has great spiritual significance for Muslims. This article reveals important facts about it.
Eid-ul-Adha is known, but before it is Arafat Day. Learn more about that blessed day to maximize its benefits.
Muslims celebrate Eid in a unique way. Muslims have only two holidays to celebrate "Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha. Check how to celebrate them!
Muslims are rejoicing at what Allah has bestowed upon them of His bounty (rewards and forgiveness), and that He has guided and helped them to perform ordained ‘Ibadat (worships).
This article sheds light on the ruling of eid wishes and provides you with many forms that Muslims use to wish each other a happy Eid and Eid Mubarak Wishes. Also, it illustrates the social spirit of eid and how it shows the beauty of Islam.
Eid is a beautiful and lovely day to pray, care, love, smile and celebrate with one another and to thank Allah for giving us this wonderful day.
In this article, you’ll know The story of Zamzam water ,The benefits of Zamzam water; Source of Zamzam water And much more!