Muslims believe that Allah revealed the Torah to Moses, the Zabour (Psalms) to David, and the Injeel (Gospel) to Jesus.
An-Naskh (abrogation) is a concept in Islam that refers to the replacement of one Quranic verse or ruling with another. It is often misunderstood and used to attack Islam, but it is actually an important and necessary part of the religion.
The Quran is the holy Islamic scripture known to have been the same since its first revelation to Muhammad (PBUH) -1400 years ago- and till now. It is the only religious book that challenges people to bring something similar and guarantees within its texts that it will be preserved.
If you are curious to know some insights on the preservation of the Quran and clues that it is still the same, follow this article.
Ar-Rahman [The Entirely Merciful] Imagine that one day you met a person you know. He gave you an autobiography of a manager of a famous company to read. Once you began to read his traits and description, you got astonished! How wonderful that manager is! So you asked this person to accompany you to this […]
Aljawwad (The Most Generous) is one of the names of The Creator mentioned in The Holy Quran and the authentic prophetic sayings of prophet Muhammad. It means literally the one who gives a lot and among muslim scholars, it means to give someone what he needs without waiting for any repayment or reward. Prophet Muhammad […]
As long as our lives are going on in our favor, we have no worries, but the minute life starts to pinch us, we start to question God. But why me? What have I done to deserve this hardship? I am not that bad anyway. We go on thinking of others and say to ourselves: […]
The Meaning of Life in the West: Dale Carnegie, a writer and lecturer, who wrote the best 9 books among them is: “How to stop worrying and start living”, in which he settled down rules to get rid of worries and tools to communicate with people effectively, has killed himself after he suffered from depression! […]
Divine revelation is God's message to humanity, delivered through his prophets, to worship him and live righteously.
The Quran is the foundation of Islam. Preserving it was a monumental task for the Prophet Muhammad and his companions.
Quran is the last Divine Book that Allah Almighty revealed to Messenger Muhammad, the last Messenger sent by Allah, to guide people to the best in this life and in the hereafter.
Is the Gospel of Matthew a universal message that is capable of being sent to all mankind? Can we judge it as a mercy to the whole universe? If so, how could it be substituted, amended and changed if it is so called a Divine guidance! What is the role of writing in preserving the […]