Does Islam Believe in Adam and Eve? Quran Mentions

Does Islam Believe in Adam and Eve? Quran Mentions

Muslims firmly believe in Adam and Eve, as mentioned in the Quran and Prophetic Sunnah. Adam, created as

Muslims firmly believe in Adam and Eve, as mentioned in the Quran and Prophetic Sunnah. Adam, created as Earth’s first prophet, was taught by Allah and honored above angels. While Eve isn’t named, her role as Adam’s wife is detailed in the Quran. Their story highlights lessons of obedience and human origins in Islam.

Muslims believe in Adam and Eve. They were mentioned in the Holy Quran and the valid Prophetic Reports (Sunnah Nabawiyah). Everything mentioned in the Holy Quran or as-Sunnah Nabawiyah must be believed.

In this article, we will review and answer the different aspects of Adam and Eve’s life. We will discuss the questions and inquiries raised about them, presenting the logical answers and explanations. Go no further.

Was Adam Mentioned in the Quran, Where?

The word “Adam” was mentioned in the Holy Quran 23 times, 14 times in his direct name and 9 times preceded by the word “Bani” which means sons, or “Zoryah” which means progeny.

In the following sections, we will cast some light on Adam as he was mentioned in the Holy Quran’s sequential order.

1. Allah Declares, “I Am Creating a Successor

“When your Lord said to the angels, “I am placing a successor on earth.”

al-Baqarah, 30.

Allah told the angels that he had decided to create a successor (a descendant) and place him on Earth. It was Adam. The word “Successor” means a folk who will follow one another, century after century, and generation after generation, as stipulated by Allah the Almighty in the Holy Quran:

“He who made you the descendants of the earth”


2. Allah Taught Adam All the Names

“And He taught Adam the names, all of them;”

al-Baqarah, 31.

It was said that the word “names” meant all the names of animals, birds and the names of all things. It was said that they are the names of the angels. Another Quranic interpretation stated that Allah taught Adam the names of stars and the names of all his descendants.

3. Adam is Superior to Angels by Knowledge

He said, “O Adam, tell them their names.”

al-Baqarah, 33.

Allah asked Adam to tell the angels their names to prove that he had the rank of majesty and greatness over them by the knowledge Allah granted him.

4. Angels Bowed Down to Adam Except For The Devil

“And We said to the angels, “Bow down to Adam.” They bowed down, except for Satan.”

al-Baqarah, 34.

Allah made Adam superior to angels with knowledge, so He ordered them to bow down to him to show honor and respect to Adam and to show obedience to Allah.

They all bowed down except for the devil. The devil was not an angel. He was a righteous jinni who worshiped Allah to the extent that he was in company with the angels.

Was Eve Mentioned in the Holy Quran?

Eve was not mentioned in the Holy Quran in her direct name. But she was mentioned three times as Adam’s wife. In the following sections; we will cast some light on Eve as she was mentioned in the Holy Quran’s sequential order.

1. Allah Ordered Adam to Inhabit the Garden with Eve

“We said, “O Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your spouse, and eat from it freely as you please but do not approach this tree, lest you become wrongdoers.”

al-Baqarah, 35.

Allah created Adam, then He created Eve from his left rib. He gave them the permission to live in Paradise. There is so much unlimited food in paradise that never runs out. Allah gave them the permission to eat whatever they desire except one food.

2. Allah Warns of Approaching the Tree

“And you, Adam, inhabit the Garden, you and your wife, and eat whatever you wish; but do not approach this tree, lest you become sinners.”

This verse is an unspecific Quranic verse. In this verse, Allah asked Adam and Eve never to go near or eat from a certain tree. It was said it was wheat, or vineyards, or others. Allah told them if they did, they would be sinners.

Is Adam a Prophet in Islam?

Adam was the first prophet and Messenger on Earth. Noah was the first prophet sent for the non-believers but before Noah’s era, our father Adam (peace be upon him) was the first prophet and Messenger on the Earth. Adam had been tasked with calling his offspring to testify to Allah’s monotheism and worship Him.

In the following sections, we will provide the evidence of Adam’s prophethood.

1. Allah Had Chosen Adam

“God chose Adam, and Noah, and the family of Abraham, and the family of Imran, over all mankind.”

Ali-Imran, 33.

The word “chose”, means that Allah distinguished the people mentioned in the verse with Islam’s laws and precepts. Adam was one of them; this is an indication that he is a prophet.

2. Allah Sent a Prophet to Every Community

“To every community We sent a messenger: “Worship God, and avoid idolatry.”

an-Nahl, 36.

Adam’s children and offspring were a community; accordingly, Allah sent them a Messenger. It was Adam.

3. Hadith About Adam’s Prophecy

A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, was Adam a prophet?” He said: ‘Yes.’ The man said: “How long was the period between him (Adam) and Nūh?” He replied: “Ten centuries.” The man asked again: “How long was the period between Nooh and Ibrahīm?” He said: “Ten centuries.”

Narrated by Tabarani and al-Hakim.

4. The Story of Adam’s Two Sons

The story of Adam’s two sons proves that they had received laws and teachings from Allah by a Messenger who was their father. This is evidence that Adam was a Messenger to his descendants. Allah would never punish someone until He sent them a Messenger.

Is Eve a Prophet in Islam?

The scholars, in this matter, divided into two parts; the first part said that Allah honored some women with prophethood; among those scholars were Abu al-Hasan al-Ahari, al-Cordoby and Ibn Hazim.

See (Fath al-Bari) (473,448-6/447).

These scholars confirmed the prophecy of Mary. Some scholars attributed prophecy to other women such as Eve, Sarah, Mother of Moses, Hagar, and Asyia.

In the following sections, we will introduce the evidence of the two teams of scholars:

1. The First Scholars’ Point of View

In the following lines, we will provide the evidence of Eve’s prophecy according to this point of view.

A. Women Prophecy is Lawful According to a Quranic Verse

We did not send before you except men whom We inspired. So, ask the people of knowledge if you do not know.”

When these scholars were confronted with the above Quranic verse, which restricted Allah’s Message to men and not to women. They said, “We have no problem with this; the Message is for men, but the prophecy is not covered for women according to this Quranic verse.

The prophecy may be exclusive to its owner, who is not obligated or in need to convey it to others.

B. Allah Has Connoted to Moses’ Mother

“We inspired the mother of Moses: “Nurse him; then, when you fear for him, cast him into the river, and do not fear, nor grieve; We will return him to you, and make him one of the messengers.”


The Quran states that Allah has connoted to some women, such as the mother of Moses. Abu al-Hasan al-Ashari says that whoever is visited by the angel (Gabriel) to deliver them a decree or a prohibition is a prophet. And this matter had happened with Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Maryam and Asyiah. See (6/447) (Fath al-Bari).

C. Allah Chose Some Women for Prophethood

The angels said, “O Mary, God has chosen you, and has purified you. He has chosen you over all the women of the world.”

Ali-Imran 42.

The angel (Gabriel) told Mary that Allah had selected her and purified her all over the women of the world. Allah’s selection of Mary over all the women of the worlds is evidence of her prophecy. So could Eve be.

2. The Second Scholars’ Point of View

The second group of scholars responded to the authors of the first scholars, claiming that their evidence does not rise up to prove the prophecy of women. Here is their evidence:

A. Both Prophets and Messengers Are the Same

There is no difference between the Prophet and the Messenger in this respect. Both of them are responsible for conducting and guiding people.

The Prophet is sent by Allah with a previous Messenger’s teachings and percepts. Both of them must socialize people and call them to Allah’s teachings and precepts.

B. Sleep Visions Not Revelation

The revelation of Allah to these women may have happened via sleep dreams because a night dream is a kind of revelation. This matter often happens to natural people.

C. Allah Sends Angels to Normal People

Not all those whom Allah communicated with, through sending angels, were prophets.

“Allah sent an angel to a man who was visiting his friend in another village. The angel asked, “Why did you visit him?” He said, “Because I love him. “ The angel told the man that Allah had sent him to tell him that Allah loves him as he loved his friend.”

Narrated Al-Bukhari.

Finally, the evidence limited prophethood to men is more powerful, and thus, Eve was not a prophet.

When Was the Prophet Adam Born in Islam?

Was Adam created directly six days later after Allah had created the Earth? Or had the earth been empty for a long time without humans? And if so, what is the evidence from the Quran or the Sunnah?

Adam (Peace Be Upon Him) was created at the end of these six days. He was created at the last hour of Friday (the seventh day).

Abu Huraira reported the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) as saying: The best day on which the sun has risen is Friday; on it Adam was created. on it he was made to enter Paradise, on it he was expelled from it. And the last hour will take place on no day other than Friday.

Sahih Muslim Book 4, Number 1857. Abu Huraira added in another addition: (at the last hour of Friday).

The scholars argued about how long these days are. Some scholars say that they are the same as our life days. Others say that these days are six thousand days long, this is Ibn Abbas, Tabari and Mugad’s opinion. Some scholars gave up the discussion because there is no clear Quranic indication to this point.

Where is Prophet Adam’s Grave in Islam?

We do not know any clear evidence from the Holy Quran or Sunnah that identify the location of Adam’s tomb, but there are some sayings about this matter; here they are:

1. On Mount Abu Qubays,

The site of Adam’s Grave is on Mount Abu Qubays, the closest of the mountains surrounding Makkah Al-Mukarramah from the Eastern Side, where it faces the corner of the Black Stone of Kaaba. It shows the beauty of Mecca and al-Haram Al-Sharif of the Holy Kaaba.

2. In the Mosque of Khaif in Mina

Adam’s grave is on the site of Mina. It is said that when Adam died, the angel Gabriel prayed on him at the site of Kaaba, and then he was buried in the mosque of Khaif.

3. In India

Ibn Kathir stated that the location of Adam’s tomb is in the valley of Sarandeb in India.

4. In Bait al-Maqdis, Palestine

Imam Azzroqe stated that the tomb of Adam (peace be upon him) is in the Holy House (Bait al-Maqdis) in Palestine.

In this regard, scholars say that Allah has concealed the place of the Prophets’ tombs in order to preserve the faith and protect the true belief of monotheism in all Muslims’ hearts.


Islam affirms the creation of Adam and Eve, with Adam as Earth’s first “successor” and prophet. Allah gave Adam superior knowledge, commanding angels to bow to him, except for Satan. Eve, mentioned as Adam’s wife in the Quran, was created as his companion. Both were placed in Paradise with freedom to enjoy everything except one tree. Their disobedience to Allah’s warning, influenced by Satan, led to their expulsion and humanity’s test on Earth.

Eve’s prophethood is debated, with some scholars citing divine inspiration as evidence, while others refute it. The location of Adam’s grave remains uncertain, with suggestions including Mecca, India, and Palestine. However, the focus in Islam remains on the lessons of obedience, monotheism, and human responsibility.

Muslims believe in Adam and Eve. They are mentioned many times in the Quran and as-Sunnah an-Nabawiyah. Adam is the first prophet on Earth. Allah created him to be his successor on earth.

If you have any inquiries about any of the Islamic precepts, do not hesitate to contact Explore Islam for more information. We will always be at your service to guide you along your way to Allah.

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