Shortly after burial of the deceased, financial obligations must be fulfilled. Starting with funeral expenses, payment of debts, then execution of his/ her bequest, and finally comes the time for distributing inheritance according to Islamic Sharia amongst heirs.  This was given in a clear and precise detailed way and in the most just and merciful […]

Islam is a way of life not only a religion. There is no aspect of life that is left out, there is always a perfect Islamic way to handle it.  Death is of no exception as it is the gateway to  “Afterlife”, the real one where we started and where we will end up. To […]

     Defining parenthood in this time and age is a bit difficult; in regard to the modern scientific leaps in reproductive technology (artificial insemination and fertilization techniques), and due to the wide range of legal legislations all over the variant societies of the world. The situation in the West, where parenthood is regarded mainly […]

What is marriage?    People of all times view marriage as an honorable bond between man and woman but in Islam it is viewed as the most sacred bond of all.  Qur’an describes marriage as a (Strong Covenant): ‘’But if you want to replace one wife with another and you have given one of them a […]

     Rights and duties are the main concern of humans everywhere at all times.  One is always eager to gain more rights and to have less duties and responsibilities. Islam from day one acknowledged this fact and elaborated on every detail of each right and obligation of each member of the Muslim society Muslim […]

Believing in Divine Books of revelation is the third article of the six principles of faith in Islam, which are: Belief in Allah (Creator of heavens and earth), His angels, His Divine Books, His Prophets, The Day of Judgment and Destiny good or bad.  Faith is entirely belief in the unseen. THE MESSENGER (MUHAMMAD) BELIEVES […]

Omr Ibn Alkhatab narrated that prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) said “An action depends on the intention behind it. A man will be rewarded only for what he intended.” So, what does intention mean? What are the benefits of intention? Why this prophet’s saying is considered one of the main basis in Islam? What […]

Jihad in the media has become a controversial issue. Explanation of Jihad is conflicting, and much debate centers upon interpretation of its true meaning and forms. Although the word “Jihad” is elaborated more than 1400 years ago, till now it is still a foggy term.    “Jihad” is an Arabic word which means the act […]

According to the  Western  ideology, the concept of childhood was not addressed until the 16th century. It is not that the west did not have children or young people but rather they didn’t have the principles of how to safeguard their right.    Before revolutions in Europe, children were forced to work in harsh conditions […]