Muslims view Jesus as "Al-Masih" (The Messiah), with a different role than in Christianity. This article clarifies his role in Islam.

The main difference between the spread of Christianity and Islam lies in their methods: Christianity often expanded through political coercion and military campaigns, like the Crusades, while Islam largely grew through peaceful means such as trade, dialogue, and its message of justice and freedom of belief. While Christianity’s rise was marked by forced conversions, Islam’s […]

Islam and Catholicism share common values like belief in God and the afterlife, but differ in views on God's nature and Jesus.

Battle of Tours (732 AD): Key Islamic expansion battle in France. This article examines it and other Islamic campaigns there.

The Quran states Jesus did not die by crucifixion. In Islam, Jesus is considered one of Allah's honored messengers

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have common roots but distinct beliefs. The article highlights their main similarities and differences.

The Quran did not mention an exact date for the Prophet Jesus’s birth (‘Isa in Arabic). Yet, we can deduce from some Quranic Ayahs the year of his miraculous birth (peace be upon him).  The Prophet Jesus had no biological father, and his mother was a virgin. This divine miracle is highlighted in the Quran […]