The true meaning of friendship! -Adli, 24, and Mansour, 26, share a special affinity: they both lost a leg during the Israeli attacks on Gaza in 2011. -“We share everything and split expenses – after all, we are one soul, with two bodies,” he says as he points down to different parts of Gaza, observing […]

This figure shows a twelfth-century model of the solar system from Baghdad The one who contemplates the reason modern science and technology have taken giant steps and advanced to the present state would certainly agree that it is due to Islamic civilization which transmitted and introduced vast amounts of knowledge and produced many scholars. C.H. […]

Women’s rights: after a long history of injustice (you can watch the video below), the divine revelation echoed in the wide desert of Arabia with a noble and universal message which came to change the ugly human history and to create a life which humanity had never witnessed before in all its civilizations: Women Rights […]

“Waves Like Mountains” An Australian Photographer captured a breathtaking photos for the Waves that appeared like Mountains naming them “Mountains of the Sea” !! Believe it or not that was mentioned 1400 years ago in Quran: “And it sailed with them through waves like mountains” Quran 11:42 Worth thinking!! How could someone who didn’t even […]

Italian court rules food theft ‘not a crime’ if hungry! This rule reminds me of a story in the Islamic history in the time of Caliph Umar Ibn Al-Khattab a thief, who was caught during a period of famine in the land, was let off on the premise that he had probably committed the theft […]

Muhammad: The Final Prophet of God“Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example to follow for whoever hopes in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.” (Qur’an 33:21) Muslims believe that Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the final Prophet in a long chain of Prophets sent to call the […]

The Message of Jesus (PBUH), let’s know it together! ^_^ “Mum, what is the meaning of the word “Christian”?  G was 15 years old when he asked this question; he knew the answer of course, but he wanted to check something.His mother smiled and said, “Are you serious?” G replied, “100% serious.”The mother answered “Ok. […]