Пост в Исламе в Коране это называется ”Савм” или ”Сиям”. “Савм” означает воздерживаться от всего, что нарушает пост, например: от еды, питья, курения, занятий сексом или от того, что уменьшает его вознаграждение, например, от произнесения нецензурных слов, гнева и крика.. и т.д.

O que é Jejum no Islam? O jejum no Islam é chamado de “Sawm” ou “Siyam” no Alcorão. “Sawm” significa abster-se de tudo o que quebra rápido como; comida, bebida, fumo, sexo ou o que diminui sua recompensa; dizer palavrões, ficar com raiva e gritar … etc. A pessoa que jejua deve ser agradável, com […]

Religion is the only way for man to know his Lord in a complete and comprehensive way. 1- Religion lets man know what he should and shouldn’t do as God commands. It is also the only way through which man can know and identify his origin, his destiny, the aim of creating him and what […]

The negative effects of wine and gambling on the individual, his family and society are illustrated in Islam as the social, financial, economic and religious dangers.

Here is the message of the Messenger of Allah to Heraclius; the Roman emperor and Abu Sufian's speech with the emperor.